
Showing posts from January, 2011

Thankful Thursday. I blame it on old age.

Have you ever been just sitting around relaxing and all of a sudden you get the feeling that you are forgetting something or that you have forgotten something. Well such is the case with me and it is getting more and more frequent. Just a few minutes ago I was sitting here letting my mind wander and I thought mmmmm tomorrow is Friday. And that's when it hit me. If tomorrow is Friday then today is Thursday and that means Thankful Thursday and its evening and I haven't posted yet. Now don't give me that look. You know the look I Mean: But fear not because it is still Thursday and the kids are busy so I get to use the computer and do my post. This week I am very thankful for quiet time. I really enjoy my quiet time because it gives me a chance to think and reflect. Last weekend it was very quiet and peaceful around our house so I took some bird photos. Unfortunately there were no birds to be found so I had to give it some time and they finally came back. I think I know why the...

Thankful Thursday

Well I had an awesome week last week. Those that follow me on Facebook know that things have finally fallen into place and I was able to get some much needed rest. I have so much to be thankful for so let me get right to it. We have had some really great weather this week. We got a break from building fires in the greenhouse which means I got some extra sleep. I am so thankful for the warmer weather. This week I got some financial issues in order. Without going into detail let me just say that it is giving us some relief. I am thankful for that. The warmer weather allowed us to get some yard work done and I am thankful that I am in shape enough to do yard work. I am thankful that I am doing well on my diet. So far so good. I am thankful that I have the will power to lose weight still at age 45. Ahem. I am thankful that I remembered to do this post on Wednesday night instead of having to rush and get it done at 4 am on Thursday. I know that isn't that big of a deal for some people b...

Thankful Thursday, "Just Enough"

Wow Thursday already. Another week has come and gone. (Thursday to Thursday that is) I wasn't sure if I would be able to write this morning because my computer was acting up when I first turned it on and I had to track down the bad file before I could continue. I am not sure where this google file is coming from but I am going to keep an eye out for it now. It was a good week for me. I didn't get everything that I wanted but I did get everything that I needed. I had enough troubles to keep me trying but enough successes to keep me smiling. I had more good times than bad and although nothing jumps out as spectacular for me this week I am still healthy and happy and that's enough to say: Thank you God for all you have given me. I know I will never be rich and famous but I do think I make a difference in at least a few people's lives. Have a great day, Greg

Thankful Thursday, giving it up

Well if you are just joining us, Thursday is the day that I devote my blog to giving thanks. I give thanks every single day for all the gifts that I receive but on Thursday I write some of them down. And although I am giving up lots of things these days I am not giving up my blogging. I enjoy it too much. So let me list a few things that I am thankful for. I am thankful that we all made it through 2010. I said WE because if you are reading this then you are here with me as well. Although it wasn't my best year I did make it through and I still have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful that I woke up to a warm house and that I do have a nice house to live in. It isn't anything fancy but it is clean, warm and there is a lot of love inside. I am thankful that for the most part I am feeling pretty good these days. I am on another diet by the way and I am losing some lbs. Along with that I am giving up some things that are bad for me and I am feeling better for it. I am thankful ...

Enough is enough

You know just when you think you have heard and seen it all, someone or something comes along and makes you say NO WAY. I love reading Craigslist. In fact I think they should call it Gregslist. I might use that name when I decide to make my own trader page so don't get any ideas. And there are some pretty crazy things on Craigslist but this one the other day really took the cake. It went something like this: Wanted....ramp for our pig Well I am sorry but I just had to read that post. In my head I imagined an sweet elderly couple that needed a ramp so that their pig could get on the porch or into the barn or something like that. But I was wrong. What they needed was a ramp so that their pot bellied pig could get into bed with them. That's right, this couple sleeps with their potbellied pig and because it is "so large that they can't lift it" they need a ramp. Is anyone grossed out here like I am. My mother used to say; if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fle...