I'm Baaaaaaack

It sure is great to be back home. We had a wonderful trip but like the saying goes; "There is no place like home". I have so much to write about and tell everyone but today I will just try to get caught up on my blog reading. I do have tons of pictures to share but since I am running late, let me just give you a teaser. This is one of the places we visited. It is a library. I bet you can guess from this one picture where we visited. I will post lots more later today and in the following weeks.

This is the fountain in front of the building.

Here is a little hint for those that are just waking up. A lot of Congress men and women use this library. :)

Have a wonderful day,


Boy was I happy to get back home from mine too!! It's good to be back in the familiar surroundings.
Wanda said…
Love these pictures ~~~ More, more please!!
Glad you are back and had a great trip. Missed you.
Kristen said…
Can't wait to hear about it! What great pictures! It looks like you had beautiful weather.
Does anybody not know after that hint?? LOL Glad you had a great time! Can't wait to see more.
sandy said…
Wow, great photos. Great hint and I would love to see that in person...
Lori said…
Wow, great shots of that fountain! We can't wait to hear about your trip and see more photos!
Happyone said…
Welcome back!!
I always like to get back home too.
I look forward to seeing more photos.
Anonymous said…
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Celticspirit said…
Glad to see you back. Nice pictures! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. I hope you had a good time.
Unknown said…
I'm guessing Washington DC, but I'm the brightest bulb in the socket, so I could be wrong! LOL

Guess what! I have a peony flower! I planted this things (they were transplants) 3 springs ago, and last year I had buds, but they never opened. I now have a flower and it smells SO good! I have more buds that I am praying will open as well. I need to take a picture a post it.

Glad you had a nice trip!
Kim S in SC said…
Glad you had a great trip! Grea pictures!!
Been gardening all weekend. Saw a Bottle brush in person...and I knew what it was called, all because of your blog.
Looking forward to more pictures! I know what the picture is, one of my favorite places!
Angie said…
I just came across your comment about going out of town on Kim's blog. I was hoping she would spill the beans. tee hee.

Really neat pics. Can't wait to hear more.
Lori said…
I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Great Pics.


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