Thursday Workout.

Well it is day three of the 30 X 5 challenge and all is well.I got up a little early so that I would have time to shoot these videos but for some reason, I got to the gym about my normal time. Because I am a video nerd, I wasn't able to edit these videos so I had to post two of them. Sorry people.

During the taping of that first video, my finger accidentally hit the stop button so it ended kind of abruptly. Please go on to video #2.

You probably noticed that there is no video #3. Well I took one but to tell the truth I was huffing and puffing so hard that it was hard to tell what I was saying. Then the girl on the machine next to me said "what" (thinking that I was talking to her) and I had to explain what I was doing and as I was doing that another girl showed up on the other side of me and gave me a funny look for taking photos of myself working out.

Bottom line is I didn't show it because it was too bad (actually I just looked too bad). I also had the TV on at that point and a really bad video came on and because I was concentrating on shooting my video I didn't notice the other one until it was too late and I caught some of that. I didn't want to get sued by Britney for copyright infringement so I felt it was best to delete it.

I promise the next video will be better. Well in my eyes anyway.

Have a great day and keep up the great work challengers.


Good luck with your challenge!
My ADHD Me said…
4:45 AM!!!!!

4:45 AM!!!!

4:45 AM!!!!
Sharon said…
You are just too funny, but you are doing great keep up the good "workout"! And yes I would be veryyyyy careful with the camera, someone might get the wrong inpression.
Terri Tiffany said…
It is tooooo dark to be going anywhere! What time did you get up?? I loved the videos:) You are braver than I would be to record it and yay that you can go 40 minutes! I worked out yesterday for 20 on the treadmill and thought I would die.
Greg, you are so darn funny! Good luck with the program.
Peggy said…

You look like your a serious workout junkie. Sometimes all it takes is to have other people cheering you on....kind of like the buddy system!
I'm glad that I'm not at your gym,I'm not liking my picture taken when I'm seating to the oldies!
Kelly said…
I thought is was 30 seconds???? I guess I can't keep using that excuse.

So THAT's what 4:45 looks like.
Skoots1moM said…
ok, so i want to sit at the table in the front and TALK about working out and DRINK the TOP-shelf stuff...won't that count?

I mean, getting up at 4:45AM and walking to the car and into the gym definitely count b/c I would have run into something on the way there.

loved the shots of your reflection as you were "elliptical-ing".

You're a brave man, Obi-wan have the force with you!
you are our one and only,
oh be one...
OBE-ONE, it can be your new workout name!
Angie said…
I was sleeping mighty fine at that time. I don't get along with the eliptical. It makes my feet go numb. Keep up the good work, Greg.
Carmen said…
Umm...4:45 am and one girl on each side of you? I think you may have some serious stalkers...hehehe! Keep up the good work!!
Man, I wanted to see your video !!! Great to hear from you, I posted the cruise pics go and take a look and the book one for you and your wife really soon !!!
Scarlet said…
Great videos, Greg! I usually just shimmy at home, but you're inspiring me to check out the gym...however, I assure you it won't be as early as 4:45 am if I do!

I was hoping for ANOTHER video...where you take us with you for coffee. Maybe next time. ;)
sandy said…
That was cool, I really enjoyed the videos, Keep up the good work.
Beverlydru said…
Does watching your videos count toward our exercise time?? What a gym! My favorite part was "these are the little tables where people sit and talk about exercise"> Too funny.
You are hilarious! I love the "Hopefully I won't get locked up because people are going to think I'm crazy."

Thanks for sharing! You've successfully sent me into giggle fits. : )
YOU ARE AWESOME, GREG! How fun is this?? You are doing great, although I'm with Sharon who is afraid you might get busted for having a camera in a work out area! What a beuatiful facility you have there. OK, now you have inspired me to go get on my machine at 7:00 pm, which I do not like to do. I am a morning exerciser.
Brooke said…
445? you are a machine!! :)
Edie said…
Is THAT what it looks like at 4:45 am!?? I see ADHD-Jo and I are in agreement again. lol.

You are always funny. I think you should have videoed (videod? video'd?) the girl that gave you a funny look. And why did they need the machines on either side of you. There were MANY others to choose from. LOL.

Did you go to a TEA Party? Ours was great.

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