Birds of prey

I tried to get closer this time but they stay just out of camera range. I still need to get that 2X lense for my camera.


MommaMonkey said…
That's very cool that you got some pics. I love watching birds "stalk" around in the air looking for their next meal.

But is that really smart of them to build their home on top of a powerline? I mean, I know it's probably very nice for them right now. But they might get fried like a KFC chicken, right? Do they have a better place to go, or is it just that there is so much development around, that was their only option? It's sad when that happens, don't you think?
Greg C said…
Chels I think they went there beause it is so close to the power line. The property next to ours is owned by Westvaco which is a logging company so guess what, they cut down all the really tall trees to this is the only place they had left. You gave me a great idea. I bet they would let me put up a nest pole for next year so that the birds would have a better place to next. Thanks everyone for the visit and Chels for the idea. :)

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