This is all really crazy but last summer while we were doing the flea market thing, there came a time when there was a shortage of plants we had available. We decided to sell some of our pond plants just to give us a bigger selection and to fill up the table. My son had this idea that he could sell tadpoles. I thought he was wasting his time but decided to let him try since it would keep him occupied when the sales were slow. So we took a net and caught a few and brought them along. We had some old jars and we brought them to put the tadpoles in. When we got to the flea market, I set up the plants in a nice display and my son caught a few tadpoles out of the bucket and tossed them into a jar with a small piece of sea lettuce.

The first people to walk by our table had small children and they were immediatly drawn to the movement in the jar. They stopped and looked and before I knew it had purchased not only one but two. This continued throughout the day and soon we were out of tadpoles or tads as my son called them. He made 25 dollars that day selling tadpoles. I was shocked. For the rest of the summer, whenever we planned on going to the flea market, he would catch tadpoles and sell them. He always sold out. This year we have already had several people stop and ask if we have any more tadpoles. People are actually looking for our table and seeing if we have any more. Is that crazy or what?

Now for some real shockers. About one out of 25 adults do not know that a tadpole is a baby frog. About the same number have never seen one and know nothing about them. I haven't met a child yet that didn't know these things though.

So now my son came up with the idea of selling tadpole (tad) t-shirts. At first I thought no one would consider buying one but then I said the same thing about the tads. So with my help, we came up with some t-shirt ideas. All would have a picture of tads on them and one of the following:

Got Tads????

We love Tads.

We got Tads.

Ask me bout my Tads.

And my favorite:

Ladies love Tads.

I could use a little help with other ideas if anyone can suggest some slogans. Maybe I should start a contest or something. See you a Tad later,



Bardouble29 said…
I love it...This sounds like a terrific way to spend time with your son and he get s to let his our creativity out!
Greg C said…
Thanks, and who knows where this will lead him/us.
MommaMonkey said…
I love:"Ask me 'bout my Tads"
I think your son is on to something real good there. And it amazes me that adults have no clue what a tad is...duh!
Greg C said…
I liked that one too. My youngest son saw that and said "Dad that sounds like something bad." Hmmmm whatever does he mean?
Em said…
Ask me about my tads...definitely a winner!

But who would have thought people would buy tadpoles?!? And if they don't know they turn into frogs...just what do they think they are buying?!?!
Greg C said…
For some reason some adults think that little tadpoles grow into big tadpoles and big frogs come from little frogs. They don't know there is a connection between the two. Its like the saying goes, there are three kinds of people in this world, those that can do math and those that can't....
Queenie said…
greg, if I kiss a tad, will it still turn into a prince??????
Dixie said…
What a very enterprising young man!

They are all very good! Especially "ask me about my tads" amd "ladies love tads". Those are too cute!
Greg C said…
For those that don't know it, kissing toads and getting a prince is a myth, however I have don't know if anyone has tried a tadpole. Give it a try if you like, :)
Priscilla said…
How fun!

(I already knew tadpoles grow into frogs)
Priscilla said…
I like "Got Tads?"
Greg C said…
Thanks for all the great feedback. I may try a few different ones just to see how it goes.

Priscilla said…
yeah....I might not know a guinea hen when I see one...but I know my tadpoles!
Greg C said…
Thats good Priscilla, I doubt of most people would known what a guinea hen was anyway. I just call them stupid chickens.

Thanks everyone for stopping by,


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