Just maybe.....

I can’t change the sun, the moon or the stars.
They will always be there.

I can’t change the wind or the tides.
The wind will always blow; the tides will always rise and fall.

I can’t Influence great leaders or CEO’s of large corporations.
They will always do as they please with or without me.

If I don’t show up to work or if I get fired,
someone will take my place and soon I will be forgotten.

When I die, there will be no big fanfare or day of morning.
My life will end quietly and only the ones close to me will even know.

When I graduated from High School, I had big ambitions. I wanted to be an architect. I had dreams of building great things that people would associate with me and my name. I wanted to design something really beautiful or so magnificent that people seeing it would say “Wow the person that designed that was a genius”

I started going to college right after high school. I took Chemistry, Calculus, Physics, English and Creative Writing. At that time I loved to write and thought I was pretty good at it. Near the end of my first semester, all that changed. I had nearly a perfect grade in all my subjects with over a 98 average. My worst class though was the creative writing because the instructor and I didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of political issues.

The class was given an assignment to write our opinion on a subject and I worked long and hard on the project and turned it in with hopes of getting a good grade. The day after we turned in our papers, the instructor said he wanted to read a couple. I was excited that he chose to read mine first even though I was very shy at the time and a little nervous about what other people thought of my work. He never gave anyone else a chance to critique my paper though. After reading it aloud to the entire class, he paused for a moment and said that the paper was a bunch of “crap”. He continued to tear my work apart and embarrass me in front of the entire class. He didn’t attack the grammar or spelling or sentence structure because all of that was correct. He did attack my ideas harshly and I could feel my face turning red and being more embarrassed than I had ever been in my life. That day I dropped out of college and never returned. I lost my dream of being an architect and changed the entire direction of my life.

My point is this:

There are things I can change. I can influence my children and others around me. I can love them, nurture them, guide them and help build their future. And one day, one of the people that I have influenced might do something great. Perhaps they will design or build something that will help the earth and everyone on it. Perhaps their invention will calm the wind, harness the energy from the sea, reverse the effects of global warming or take us to the stars. So maybe just maybe, I can change the world. You can too………

Have a wonderful day,


Queenie said…
Grrrrr, Its a good job I'm not into violence, or that teacher would get a good slap.........
Maybe this is where you should be, or I wouldn't have your blog to read (purley selfish of me).
Queenie said…
Greg its me again, hope you don't mind but I've tagged you. SORRY, blame my friend. Please see my blog.
Bardouble29 said…
Greg - If we make a difference in just one persons life then we have made a change no matter how insignificant it is...
Greg C said…
Oh my tagged twice in one day, My day is improving, Thanks bardouble29, I know I have changed several.

I am taking a few days off from work to unwind and regroup. I will however keep blogging so write away. :)

MommaMonkey said…
First I'm gonna say this: You gave that professor too much damn power. But what's done is done, and like you said, you have the power to make other's lives better. It seems through life I've learned that it's the little positve "things" you do that affect people the most. It's not the tall buildings that were designed (because they can be torn down one day), it's not the money that was made by running big corporations (because money only lasts for a short while), and it's not the accomplishments that earn big prizes that make a positive difference. It's showing up to a child's school-event, it's opening a door for someone and giving them a smile, it's reminding people that they are loved, cared for, and important.
And that's my 2 cents on that.
Queenie said…
Hi, me yet again. Thanks, did you get sorted?????
cathy said…
He was probably bitter about not fulfilling his ambitions to become a bestselling writer or something.
Nice pics on your other blog.
Sharon said…
I'm sorry to hear that your experience with that teacher was such a negative one. But one thing is sure, it WILL come back to him, in some way what he has put out will return.
Greg C said…
Thanks for the comments and welcome Cathy and Sharon, Actually I found out later that he was having an affair with a girl in the class and he was just showing off for her. Kind of ironic isn't it, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on including two new ones that looked great, Have a wonderful day,

T said…
vengense (ven-jenz) is mine says the Lord.
so the dude will get his just rewards. and all you have to do is sit back and watch it happen.
Greg C said…
Thanks T, sometimes I just want to help the Lord out, but Like I told my ex wife in court. "you may have fooled the judge but one day you will face a bigger judge and he won't be so easy on you". I felt better after saying that and maintaining my composure.

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