Mr. T

This is our cat. His name is Mr. T but I am not sure now why we named him that. He is really lazy but that is good because he leaves the birds alone. He really doesn't do much but lay right where you need to walk and then swat you when you walk by. If we leave him in the house at night, he rattles the blinds to let us know he wants to go out.


Dixie said…
Thanks for stopping by! COme back anytime!

And I think all cats are like that. At least all the ones I've had are.
Tracey said…
Ah, Mr. T is a nice looking kitty. I have two kitties; one is afraid of her own shadow and hides in my bedroom all day. The other goes outside and pretends to hunt birds. But in reality, it's the dog who catches them.
Greg C said…
I have 4 cats right now. All were abandoned at one place or another. T and his brother were left in a warehouse with their mother but something happened to her and a friend rescued the kittens. T made it but the other didn't. They are all lazy kittys except our lates additon. We put a bell on her because she was very good at catching birds.
Queenie said…
I lost my lovely cat Spice, who was a stray, after 17yrs. She was just like Mr T. Cats are so unique, I would love more but at the moment it wouldn't be fair. Milo we just take everywhere with us (I'm sure he thinks hes human).
Thanks for dropping by my blog....
Annie said…
Clever cat, rattling those blinds to go out. I wouldn't mind putting him out if it meant there'd be no need for a litter box.
Greg C said…
Thats why I like cats over dogs. Dogs get down but cats get even. I really think they are smarter than dogs but they are smart enough not to let us know that so we don't make then run for balls or do tricks. They are kind of like dogs with an attitude.
Monkey said…
I came over to see Mr. T.

He is one handsome cat.
Greg C said…
Thanks, I need to get pictures of my other cats, Nermal, Nimin and new kitty that I really don't have a name for, :) Thanks for visiting,

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