My chickens

I love pets and two of the most interesting pets I have are my chickens, Lucy and Ivory. They are my gardening companions and will be right by my side when I am working with my plants. They are of course hoping that I will uncover a nice bug just for them so they stick close by. They live in a movable chicken pen that I made. It is a pen on wheels that I move every day or so around my back yard. I got the idea from watching P Allen Smith on the garden show that is on the Weather Channel. It is a great idea for those that have large back yards like I do. By moving the pen every few days, the chickens don't kill the grass. If fact it stays nice and green for some strange reason. I lock the chickens up at night and let them out in the morning. They return to the pen once during the day to lay nice brown eggs and then return in the evening just at dark. It is a great idea and from them I get nice eggs, free fertilizer and a nice green lawn. I save the chicken poo and add it to rain water and then use that to water my flowers. Lucy is the one in the front.


Dixie said…
We have chickens too. But way more than 2. And they ain't pets. Well, one was but he got old and died. His name was Shemp, after one of the 3 Stooges. He was a sweet thang. When I'd walk out to the chicken yard, he's cut his wing at me and do that little shuffle that roosters do when they are 'coming on' to one a hen. It was funny.
Greg C said…
I love the three stooges. I started out with two and their names were Lucy and Ethel. Then Ethel got killed and I got the new one. It was red with a white tail and Lucy was red with a black tail and I wanted to name them ebony and Ivory but The kids said no so they ended up being Lucy and Ivory. Thanks for the visit and comments
Sandy said…
You can have your chickens, I'll take the greenhouse! LOL!
Thanks for visiting me! :)
Greg C said…
I have to keep the greenhouse door shut because the chickens like to get in and eat the aloe. They must be tough birds to eat all that aloe and not have it clean them out. Thanks for visiting,

Queenie said…
I love chickens, they have just started to allow them at our allotment. The only problem is we go away each weekend, so I can't be tempted.

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