A sad Tribute

As I said on my garden blog, we spent Sunday on an island near Edisto Island. That is also close(as the crow flys) to Beaufort air station which was the site of Saturdays Blue Angel plane crash. As we sat there enjoying the day on the beach, we looked up and saw the jets in the missing man formation flying over us. We were awe struck and watched and then after they passed. I thought: I should have taken a picture of it but then I think it is something that you needed to be there to see. Have a wonderful day,



T said…
some things just don't need a picture of vision, but of words in order to capture the awe of the sene. like a morning sene in a movie, there needs to be no music in order to capture the intensity of it...
Martha said…
I agree. No picture is needed, sometime the solomness of the moment need only be etched in one's memory.
Becca said…
Wow. I didn't know there was a Missing Man formation. I am in Pensacola and we were heartbroken to hear. They fly overhead on Tuesdays and Thursdays so we're really close.

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