True Confession

I don’t know which is more difficult, living with my dark secret or coming clean and admitting it to the world. They say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem but in this case, it won’t change things. I will only open myself up to criticism and scrutiny from others.

Before I confess and come out of the closet, let me say a few things. You may have heard this all before but I feel it bears repeating, Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes you get dealt certain cards and you have to just play the hand you were given. It isn’t always pretty either and wanting to be like everyone else won’t change things. Being different, only means that I am different. It doesn’t mean I am any better or worse just different. Well I am beating around the bush. I might as well just come out and say it.

Up to this point most of you have probably considered me a computer genus. Perhaps someone that knows his way around the internet and computer world. You probably thought I had some Mega computer connected to the internet through some secret portal that allows me exclusive access to the World Wide Web. A “Computer Stud” if you will. The truth is I still have a Dial Up internet connection. There I said it. I am not proud of it but it is true. Greg has Dial Up. Go ahead everyone take your best shot. I have to live with it because it is the only option where I live. It’s bad isn’t it? I am so ashamed but do feel better for coming clean on this issue. I just hope you all will continue to be my friend. So if you wonder why I am slow in answering you there is your reason. Please don’t hate me because I am slow.



Sharon said…
Not only do I not hate you for your impairment, I have empathy for you! I too was once stuck in the world of "dial up" but now I am "free at last, free at last, thank God I am free at last!"

Also, as far as the strike's off...I built myself a bridge and got over it.
Bardouble29 said…
Here I am reading this and thinking you are going to confess to murder and mayhem, but alas me included had dial up for years and years. I would probably still have it (I am cheap) but my roommates refuse to have dial up.
Greg C said…
I thought everyone could use a lite post, :)
MommaMonkey said…
You know, that is just something that is out of your control. I'm sure you would change things if you had the option. I'm just glad you come around for visits, and get to spread the love on your sites. It doesn't matter how you get there, just what you do when you are there.
I do not judge you. I accept you for who you are, dial-up and all!
Em said…
I'm sure we can all find it in our hearts to overlook this little problem and spare you from shame. :)
Greg C said…
Hey welcome back EM and thanks for all of your support. :)
I'm spoiled rotten with high-speed~
I almost feel like I should send you a sympathy card or something :)
Did you know that if you have a wireless laptop you can go to several fast food places (McD's) or coffee shops and use their wireless internet for free?
Makes being on the road a little easier :)
Does it take forever to upload photos- or is it pretty quick?
Greg C said…
It takes forever Cora, thats why I do it at work :)
T said…
ahhhhh now all the peices fit together, I shall forgive you....LOL!:P.............

seriously you are too funny and thanks for the humor.
I hope some day your area will come up with the times but even if it doesn't at least you still have a computer...
Queenie said…
Babe, I'm so in the dark, whats dial- up??? Here in the UK, I am what is known As an L driver with computers. So hold your head up high, if you hadn't have said I'd never have known. But if you feel better for letting it out thats good too.....
Greg C said…
Thanks for understanding T. I knew you wouldn't hold it against me.

queenie dial up is using your phone line to connect to the internet through a phone modem that calls a central office. It is slower than snail mail.
Lori said…
I have dial-up too. You are not the only one!

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