One of Life's mysteries

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of participating in a team building exercise. Go team!!! Yea. How did that sound? Pretty impressive I'm sure. Anyway, it turned into a gripe session but I did learn that we all have one common complaint. We all hate having to deal with ignorant people. Don't hate me for saying that. I am not talking education here, I am talking about those people that shouldn't be allowed to breed. You all know the ones. As the saying goes, "The gene pool could use a little chlorine"

So what tops my list? Bad drivers. This morning on the way to work, this car approaches me from behind at a very rapid speed. I was driving 60 in a 55 zone on a dark, foggy, deer populated road. So this person gets right behind me and of course he has his bright lights on but he refuses to pass. A second before he was in a big hurry but now he is content to follow me and blind me with his headlights. This guy follows me for about 5 miles with many chances to pass. Then when I turned off, he hits the gas like I was holding him up. I may take the mirrors out of my car or paint the back window black.

have a great day,


Lori said…
I hate it when people do that too. Luckily I don't have to drive that often because I get impatient. Be careful on the roads!
Bardouble29 said…
People can be idiots...then there are the rest of us!!!

Hope things are well, you are in my thoughts.
Unknown said…
I hate when that happens. Sometimes I get a mean streak and slow down to 30mph, till they get the idea. But it does make you want to stop, jump out and ask them what their major malfunction is, doesn't it?
Becca said…
Noooo. Here's a little passive aggressive trick a trucker once taught me. If you tilt your side view mirrors just right, they will reflect the light of the high beams right back on the inconsiderate nincompoop who is trailing/blinding you!
Greg C said…
Thanks Becca, I wondered if that would work. I will try it tomorrow.

Thank you everyone for visiting.

Queenie said…
At least you came to no harm. Being a victim of stupid/careless/thoughtless/ driving. Here in the UK if you kill someone with this sort of stupidity, its classed as death by misadventure or unlawful. Sorry in my eyes its murder. Goodness guess you saw its a raw nerve with me!!!!!!!!!!
Queenie said…
P.S. Still no ciggies, I'm the most hateful cow on the planet. I don't care those that do will still be here with me tomorrow. Hows things with you big buddy (is that U.S.A ligo?). (((HUGS)))
MommaMonkey said…
I hate idiot drivers too.

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