Sand Treasures

Just some things I found on the island beach. Remember those old aptitude tests you took back in school? Which photo doesn't belong? Hope you like my photo's


Queenie said…
Please sir, me sir, here sir, is it number six?????
Lovely photos Greg,can't wait for my camera to be repaired, so I can start and shoot some shells.
Bardouble29 said…
Oh, the beach is my favorite place on earth. Great photos!
Lori said…
Beautiful shots of the beach. I especially like the one that looks like a clam shell opening. I can just smell the ocean air!
Lori said…
The last picture! Very nice pictures.
Greg C said…
queeine why are you now calling me sir? Did you knight me?
Mine too Barb. I like Lori love the smell of the ocean.
Thanks lori2 :)
Greg C said…
That last reply of mine didn't make sense, it should have said, I, just like Lori, love the ocean. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Queenie said…
School, test, teacher, get it???
Just my poor sense of humour.
I can knight you if you want, "arise sir greg".

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