
During my morning walk, ran across a family of geese. It was two adults and 4 little ones. As I approached, they just walked in the other direction. When I got closer, the male flew off and made a lot of racket trying to get me to follow him. I followed the others instead and soon the female flew off making the same noise. When I looked back where the little ones were, then had sat down in the leaves and were hiding. They sat there motionless while I took a picture but the moment I turned my back to walk away then took off and rejoined their parents in the river. It is a great plan unless I was a fox in or a hawk in which case I would have easily been able to pick them out of the leaves. I thought it was a great survival plan anyway.

Have a great day,



Bardouble29 said…
In a way we all have survival techniques...just some of them don't work so well.
MommaMonkey said…
They were probably pooping. You probably scared the poop right out of them.
I bet they were glad you weren't a fox. I'm surprised Momma didn't attack you. Those things are known to be a bit on the nasty side.
Queenie said…
Brill photo, lets hope Mr Foxy keeps away.

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