My little corner of the world

This is the lovely view from my window. Not many people get to enjoy looking at a fuel oil tank, a parking lot and a power yard. Lucky me.

This is my quiet corner. I have an American flag, a poster by Willie saying "What ever happened to peace on earth" and a dream catcher in case I fall asleep at work. And oh yes the edge of my book case which is chock full of interesting reading material. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

Yep thats me. I have on my librarian glasses. Try to fight the feeling girls, I know they are sexy. Singing:"I;m too sexy for my glasses, too sexy........"

This is my snake plant. I have it in my office because they won't let me keep a real snake in here. It would keep some people out.

This is my wall. It has our company values on it, a little picture from a friend in Boston. My calendar. The birthday list. The vacation schedule. Some pictures my kids drew and a diploma from a business school. Interesting isn't it.

This is where I spend my days slaving to make a dollar.Oops is that my blog on my computer during working hours. How did that get there? :)

Ok tour is over, back to work people. I hope you enjoyed it.



Bardouble29 said…
Hey now glasses are too hot, at least thats what I keep telling myself...*wink*

Thanks for your office tour!
dawn said…
Thanks for the office tour. I would love to say exciting but it's pretty normal. I like the view!!! Hope all is well have a great weekend
Em said…
What a wonderful tour. I'm sure I won't tell anyone about your blog on the screen during work hours. Cause your blog is on MY screen now during...oh...wait...never mind.

And I better keep my wife away from the photo with the glasses.
Greg C said…
Good plan em. I don't have my stick with me today that I use to keep the women at bay. lol Thanks for the visit.
MommaMonkey said…
I've never heard the term "Librarian Glasses" before. But when I hear that term, those are not the type of glasses I think of. Which is a good me on that.

It's so neat to get a peak in someone's daily surroundings! Thanks for sharing!
I'm in Jacksonville again tonight- I travel home tomorrow- and I might just stop at the seafood place you mentioned! Thank you! It's a perfect halfway stop- but I'm sorry I'll miss you with it being a saturday when I drive through.
I promise to keep you informed about the July trip though- we'll be there all week in your neck of the woods :)
Loved the office pic's :)
Kati said…
Hi Greg!! That's for the comments on my blog the other day.

Nice tour of your workplace.... I've seen worse!

Oh, and I thought those were aviator glasses, which could result in an even stronger fan-club, as don'tcha-know, women LOVE pilots!!!! ;)
Lori said…
Thanks for the tour Greg. I like your sense of humour! At least you have a window in your office. And I agree with Kati, I'd call those aviator glasses. This was a great tour through your daily world.
Queenie said…
Your just like I thought you would be, hansome/swarve/sophisticated.
I'm sure we call that plant a Mother-in laws tongue, here in the UK.
Thanks for the tour Greg, really enjoyed my time there..
dawn said…
Greg Thanks for the comment, I'm back. hope your weekend went well
Annie said…
I've slept in my office before - so it might have served as the photo for theme day. I wasn't clever enough to think about that though.
Unknown said…
I enjoyed your tour. I like the glasses. I agree, you are too sexy for your glasses, too sexy for your office, too sexy for your books.......

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