Happy Birthday to Me

Yes it's my birthday today. I celebrate making it through another year without any major problems. Oh there were lots of hurdles to get over but I made it over them all. Is it my imagination or do the years go by faster and faster?

I have nothing really big planned today. I am expecting a visit from a blogger friend though and that in itself will make my day, Have a great day everyone,



dawn said…
No my friend it's not your imagination years do go by faster. Have a great birthday and a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Em said…
Hope you have a fabulous day!!!
snowelf said…
Happy Birthday Greg!!!

I hope this is the beginning of another fabulous year. :)

best wishes,
Bardouble29 said…
Ahhhh!!! Happy Birthday my friend!!

Hope its a great one!
Greg C said…
Thanks everyone, I just had lunch with Cora from Maydens voyage. WEll acutally it was a wine tasting but who cares now, I had a great time, Hope you all have a great day too.
Jenny! said…
Happy Birthday! I want you to eat lots of cake in your birthday suit!
MommaMonkey said…
Happy Birthday, Greg! Hope this next year is a good for you too!
Happy Birthday (again!)-
I'll send photos as soon as I find the cord to the camera (lol!)

It was so nice to see you today and meet your whole family, thank you for making us feel welcome and at home!

The winery was so much fun and I really loved going to the Charleston Tea Company.
Seeing you today was one a highlight of this trip for us- thank you for everything. I'll send an email soon with the photos :)
Kati said…
Happy Birthday Greg!!!! I hope you had a fantastic day!
MommaMonkey said…
Where are you? I haven't "seen" you around in awhile! :(
Snow White said…
Hope all is well... we haven't heard from you since your birthday!
Unknown said…
Well, happy belated birthday, babe. Let's see, that makes you about 28, now, right?

Hope it was a goodun!!

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