Time is money

I always heard that expression and assumed that it was what a boss said to his/her employees to motivate them to work harder. These days I am looking at it from another perspective and find it is so true.

Every week day for the past 7 years I got in my car and headed off to work. My day consisted of 8 hours of actual paid work time, one hour of unpaid time at work and three hours of unpaid travel time. I justified this by saying that the money was good and it was compared to some jobs but it has taken its toll on me and I have aged tremendously in those 7 years. Looking back, I can say it was worht it but there were some heavy proces that I paid along with getting older.

For starters the unpaid time has added up and I am amazed at the time I didn't get paid for. I did some calculations and came up with 3500 hours I lost over the 7 years that I didn't get paid for. I'm not bragging but that means over 100,000.00 I didn't get paid. I am not saying that that I should have gotten that money but that was time that I could have spent with my family.

My sons are growing up fast and I missed a lot over the past 7 years. My oldest son grew from about 4 ft tall to over 7 feet tall. My youngest went from a toddeler to a rapidly growing boy who is almost as tall as me. I have two more grand kids that were born over the past 7 years and I have only seen them twice. And who knows what I missed with DW.

Yes I know I am taking a pay cut to take this new job but I am gaining time and to me it is worth it. There will be no more pager, No calls at 2 am, and no headaches when people that worked for me screwed up. I won't have anyone under me, and my drive will drop from 90 minutes to 45 minutes each way. I know this is what I need and it will be a good thing. Wish me luck.



Lori said…
Good luck Greg and congratulations on your new job! That's great news! It sounds like it will be much better for you and your family in the long run. I know I couldn't do a 90 minute commute every day. I'm sure you will be much happier!
Jenny! said…
Its not all about the money...I would rather make less but spend time wiht my son and fiance...it means more to me...So glad that you will have more time for these things!
Greg C said…
Thanks I know I will enjoy the time at home with my family.
dawn said…
Congrats Greg and just think the only thing your giving up is the great view from your window. HaHa
Good luck
snowelf said…
I wish you the very best. The reward in just your time alone is unmeasurable.

Snow White said…
I'm sure what you're giving up will not be missed. Time with family is precious. Congrats on the new job! When do you start?
Kati said…
That's fantastic!!! Congratulations on the new job!
Unknown said…
Sounds like a wise choice to me. These are the times you look back on and cherish. Each new day makes a brand new memory. Blessings always to you and yours.
I wish you every good thing Greg...
I am so happy for you and this new change- I really think it will add years to your life.

My kindest regards to you and your family- hope this fall will be wonderful for you and yours :)
Queenie said…
Good luck darling, you' ve made a good choice. What a wise man you are.
MommaMonkey said…
Oh, enjoy your new job and new-found time with your family! Here's wishing you the best!

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