A visit from "The Man"

There I was last Saturday. Sitting at the flea market, quietly selling a few plants. Trying to make a little extra pocket change when who walked up.....The Man. You might also know him as "The system", "The Establishment" or some names I won't print here. He walked up, observed me making a few plant sales and then spoke. "Hello, I am from the South Carolina Department of Revenue" OOPS, Busted.

No I didn't get hauled off to jail but I did get a warning and now I have a license so the state can take taxes from the little bit I sell. Saturdays total is four dollars and ninety cents that I owe. It seems hardly worth the effort since there is a local man that "lost" over 5 million dollars and he is out on the street today. But I will do my part and pay my taxes but as a person once said. "I didn't know my fair share was going to be so much"

Now that I am a legal business, and the national debt will be paid with my taxes. I plan on starting a new blog simply devoted to that and show everyone what I sell. Oh and you will see a price increase of 7%. :) Have a nice day.



Kati said…
ROFL Good luck with your gardens business, Greg. Ya know, I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking maybe bartering isn't such a bad system, if it helps us to keep the government's hands out of OUR pockets, esp. considering how poorly they spend OUR money.
Unknown said…
I'm beginning to hate anything with the word "State" or "Federal" in it.
Greg C said…
lol it isn't that bad.....yet :)
Lori said…
I guess you need to have a license to sell anything these days! Good luck with your plant business! That's a great idea.
Unknown said…
Reminds me of the time when my brother had finally got caught at selling his own stuff from fossils to books out from his garage each weekend, he did this for nearly five years until he was force to either paid up or get a business licsences. Good luck with your garden business.

This is also my first time here at your blog.
MommaMonkey said…
Damn tax man. They actually work on Saturdays? What the hell is the matter with those people?

Well, now that you're lisenced maybe you could start selling elsewhere too, right?
dawn said…
Isn't America wonderful!
AnnL said…
Hi-----You sound like a hard working husband and Father!!!! I view you as a good friend and neighbor. How come you don't know how to spell my name?????!!!!!!! IRVIN NOT IRVING DUH!!!!!! Love and Kisses AnnL
Unknown said…
Thank you for taking a peak at my blog and for your nice comments.

I used to be known as the Cactus Lady in Clairemont area of San Diego few years back where I had once lived at, I also use to have a Cactus/Succulent Business back then.
AnnL said…
Hi---Plant Man---I stopped by your house today.I had some very interesting young men from McCrady's(one of the best resturants in Charleston) that wanted to see your plants and chicken tractor!!!!!!! They are planting a farm plot about a mile from you. These young FARM BOYS may need some extra help from some experienced farmers!!!! They are looking for two planters to go by the front door of McCrady's. They liked what you had-----will stop by later on in the week. Keep up the good work. Irvin-House
kave21 said…
Hi, this will seem really random...but my friend and I are planning a day to visit places where The Notebook was filmed. And as I was searching for information I saw the picture you had of the house at Martins Point Plantation on Wadmalaw Island. I just wanted to ask if you know if the house is privately owned? And if you might be able to tell me the address so we could see it? Thank-you!! :)

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