Book Report: "The Glass Castle"

I don't read many books these days. I guess because I have to do so much reading at work. My sister let me borrow a book on tape recently and I have to tell you about it. It was "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls.

It is about Jeanette's childhood and the things she went through. Her family lived like nomads and the things that she went through made my childhood look great. After listening to this book, I felt better about my own childhood and the struggles we had. I also came to terms with the fact that some people live like they do out of choice and are happy being the way they are and don't want to improve. I won't give away the ending but I highly recommend this book. There is some adult language so be forewarned. It reminded me of a story.

A frog and a scorpion come to a river. The frog is about to jump in and swim across and the scorpion asks if he can ride on the frogs back to get across. The frog hesitates at first because he knows that the scorpion could sting him and kill him but then he rationalizes that if he were do do that they would both drown so he agrees. About the time that they reach the middle of the river, the scorpion stings the frog and he begins to die. He asks the scorpion. "Why did you do that, now we will both die" The scorpion answers "because I am a scorpion. It's what we do."

Sometimes we can't change people, we just need to accept them the way they are.

Have a great day,



Lori said…
You are a good story-teller Greg. I'll have to look for that book. Thanks for the recommendation.
Wanda said…
What a great book report. I like to listen to audio books. You are a great story-teller. I had heard the frog story, but it was good to hear it again.
Kati said…
LOL Maybe we should accept folks as they are, but we should also be careful to not get too close to those who have the power to hurt you.

I'll have to look into the book you mentioned. It sounds like an interesting story.
Unknown said…
God accepts us where we are in life, but not really "as we are". He takes us as we are, and works on us and creates something perfect out of this big ol' mess we've made.

Good thing that God still reaches out and loves us, even when we "sting him" time and time again.
Queenie said…
Greg thats my star sign, but I wouldn't sting the frog (honest).
Angie said…
Reminds me of a song...

Something beautiful
something good
all my confusion
He understood
I had to offer Him
was brokenness and strife
but He made something beautiful
of my life

God can do amazing things in people's lives. He did in mine. You wouldn't believe who the old Angie was. We have to surrender those difficult people to God, pray for them, and hope for Him to bring change. Someone did that for me. The world stings (like the scorpion). God carries us to the other side.

When I lack patience with other people I am reminded how patient God was with me. (OH how patient He was with me!)

Good story Greg. BTW, I hadn't heard that. Thanks for sharing.
christianne said…
Oooh, I've picked that book up a couple times and read the first few pages. I knew I would eventually have to get it for myself, but it hasn't moved to the front of the line yet. Thanks for sharing your take on it.

Oh, that story of the frog and the scorpion makes me sad, mostly because the frog was so willing to trust and give of himself, believing in the best. But I also have been learning that sometimes people just want to be toxic, don't want to help themselves, don't even think there's anything worth helping, there's not even a problem, so I can also appreciate that maybe the frog should have figured there's no changing a scorpion. But still, poor froggy. :(
Annie said…
It's always interesting to read psychological novels, those that give one insight into other lifestyles and mindsets. Thanks for the review.
Unknown said…
Every time I come here, I feel you've written something just for me. Thanks.
Janice Thomson said…
There's a heap of wisdom in the last lines of this post - and it's not just people we have to accept but also the events that cross our path in life. Acceptance saves a lot of heartache yet not many of us do it.
Thanks Greg for this insightful reminder.

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