It's almost time

Less than 13 hours left in 2007. I have been working on my goals for 2008 and I think I have them ready. Actually I have decided on only one for next year. It's too early to let the cat out of the bag though so you will just have to drop by in 2008 to see what it is. I will give you some hints but no fair guessing.

I had about 5 on my list and was trying to make them all positive. In a nutshell they were things that would make me a better person, physically, mentally and spiritually. All would be challenging and I would need a lot of help to make them happen. I still couldn't decide which ones I really wanted to commit to because I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew. There is nothing worse than setting your sights on a goal and then not being able to make it. (see 2007, 2006, 2005, etc goals)

Anyway I finally took a break from all my goal setting and that's when it hit me. The one goal for 2008 that would really mean something to me. It would make me a better person and not only that, it would help me reach all of my original goals. Actually someone else suggested it but it is what I was looking for. Sound impossible? Just wait and see. Nothing is impossible.

Happy New Year everyone.


PS don't expect me to be up at midnight. I will be asleep way before then. :)


Celticspirit said…
Good luck Greg on achieving all your goals for 2008. As for me I'm not making any resolutions. I have things I'd like to achieve but when I make a resolution about it, I can't seem to make it happen. My motto for 2008 will be whatever happens was meant to be. I'm not a believer in fate or coincedence.
I think I know, but I'll have to come back to see if I'm right. Whatever it is I KNOW you can do it! Have a wonderful New Year!
Janice Thomson said…
Look forward to seeing your resolution. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year - I too will be snoozing long before midnight LOL.
terri said…
i'm always amazed at the unabashed optimism of people who make New Year's resolutions. I have to trick myself into positive life changes because I have this really weird self-defeating rebellious streak that sabotages anything that smells like new rules. *sigh*
terri said…
by the way, did anyone ever tell you that you look like George Kennedy in "Cool Hand Luke"?
kate smudges said…
Happy New Year!! I will have to come back tomorrow to see what goal you have set. I like the idea of just having one goal ... an achievable one!
kirsten said…
Happy New Year, Greg!! Wishing you many blessings for your health and total well-being in 2008. Can't wait to see what those goals might be ... ;o)

And I'm with you!! I will DEFINITELY be in bed before midnight. :o)
Wanda said…
Sounds intreiging...I'll be back to see what it is!!
Many times we are on the same page Greg...check out my post for New Years and you'll see why!!
Happy New Year and I'll be in bed before the clocks stikes 12 too.

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