Just Remembering

Wanda made me think about Christmas traditions. When we were young,we would go to Grandma's house for Christmas and she would always make party mix and popcorn balls for us kids. She knew that party mix was my favorite. Later on in life when the big dinners were long gone, we would go up and see her and exchange presents. She would still make the party mix for me each year. She didn't have a lot of money and usually someone else would buy her the ingrediants to make it. I still make party mix each year but I wish I had a good popcorn ball recipe. I tried to make them several times and they came out tough. Hers were always chewy but never tough. Maybe it was the love she put in them along with some good gum drops.


Janice Thomson said…
Gosh this reminded me that my Mom also made something similar called 'nuts and bolts' - I had totally forgotten that! She also made popcorn balls too but hers were the crunchy kind LOL. Thanks for the memories!
Unknown said…
Mmm.. I love chex mixes! Some day I'll have to make some!

Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed skimming your blog!
Wanda said…
Glen, wouldn't it be fun to sit down with a few blogger friends and just share stories...knowing us it would take weeks, no months...perhaps years..! Guess we better be happy with what we get. Love coming to see what's on your mind! :)
Angie said…
You brought memories back of my Meemaw. She made the same thing...popcorn balls and party mix. She also made the best fudge ever. I can see her in the kitchen stirring that bowl with her whole body. When I get to Heaven, I'm gonna eat some again with her.
Greg C said…
Ditto on that Angie. Thanks Janice, Mandy and Wanda too. But Wanda, who is Glen? :)
Wanda said…
Oh Greg, I've just got too many blogger boyfriends...please forgive my fickle heart!!
Unknown said…
My Grandma always sent us a spice cake with Lard frosting. Unfortunately, we were hungry enough, we ate it, except the frosting. My arteries are crying about it now. lol...memories, Christmas does that to us, doesn't it?
Kati said…
Since I met the hubby, 11 years ago, we've gone to his Grandma's house (OUR "GreatGrandma" now that I'm part of the family and DH and I have a daughter of our own) to make pop-corn balls. Of course, Grandma's hands have gotten too arthritic & weak to really make the pop-corn balls, and DD isn't quite strong enough to make big pop-corn balls like her daddy. But we go. We're the only ones who do, and without us this "family tradition" would have ended several years back. With us, all family members (and a few close friends) who live in the area get a pop-corn ball each year.

I can't help ya with the "gooey" though. Ours tend to be tough. Of course, that could be because DH packs them like he's making snow-balls to throw at somebody. *grin*

But, OUR pop-corn balls use a bag of marshmallows, a half-stick of margarine, enough food coloring to tint (we wind up with pastel green & pink, as we can never get truly deep red or green), and about 5 to 6 cups of popped popcorn. This makes about 12 balls (of varying sizes, depending on who's making them) per batch.

My mom always made really yummy chex-mix as well. I miss it, but the ingredients are too expensive to shell out for very regularly. I used to take a zip-lock baggy of the stuff with me to finals and this would be my snack between tests. *grin*

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