New Web Sites

This morning someone sent me a link to a list of where all the "speed traps" are in the area. Along with this email I also got a few replies from some others that got the same email thanking the person who sent it to us. Obviously these people don't know the difference between "reply to sender" and "reply to all" but that is neither here nore there. What gets me is how many people think it is ok to speed and are very excited to know where these traps are so they can slow down in those areas. Here are a few other ideas I have that some people may be interested in.

What about a list of where the cameras are located in Walmart so that people that want to shop lift can do so without fear of getting caught. They could also post on a website pictures of all their undercover workers so that we can watch out for them too. The site could be called

How about a website that tells you how to get out of paying child support. That would be very valuable for all those fathers who only made a little mistake and now have to pay for it. That site could be called.

As you all know from my picture, I am really into fishing. The fish in that picture was released because it was over the size limit. When we go fishing we only keep what we need and we always obey the size and catch limits. A number of people that I showed that picture to said that they would have kept that fish. Just last night I saw someone catch a fish that was too small but he was going to keep it anyway. What would help those people out would be a list of the Wildlife officer whereabouts so that they can keep any fish they like. We could call it. www.IWantToBeaPoacher.con

Finally I know some people that would actually like some of the web sites mentioned above. Several of these people think they are good people simply because they go to Church on Sunday. During the week though they lie, cheat, steel, gossip and do basically anything they can get away with. They truly believe that going to Church alone makes them a good person. Well I have news for them. They should check out the site:

Have a wonderful day.



Janice Thomson said…
It is interesting isn't it that the church becomes an important place for many but only twice a year; Easter and Christmas. For the rest of the year as you mention they do what they want. Somehow I don't think that was what was intended. There will always be those that will have to live through the pain and suffering of their mistakes until they learn the true meaning of living in the light.
christianne said…
Oh my gosh, I don't know if you meant it this way, but this post was hilarious. I laughed out loud with each new idea you presented. I particularly liked reading what you titled each website. :)
Heather said…
I laughed out loud. Until I got to the last bit--the commentary on some church-goers, which is sad because for some, it's true.
I wouldn't say I'm a "gardener" but I'm learning about it and love it thus far. I think I mostly love the getting dirty part! There's something about playing in the mud.
I'll have to keep my eye on your site for some good tips.
Greg C said…
Well it was supposed to be mostly humor with a little serious message thrown in. I like a little twist in the end of a story don't you?
Lori said…
Greg, you make some very good points. People like to try to get away with whatever they can I guess. I'm glad you put back that fish. You set a good example!
Greg C said…
I just had to give a quick update to everyone that has commented. I got a reply from the sender of the original email saying that the answer was to have speed traps all over the place and that would make people slow down. Is that what people need? What happend to doing something just because it is the right thing to do? I guess if no one catches you then you aren't breaking the law.
Kim S in SC said…
Well said, my friend!
Suz. said…
That reminds me of my version of the Las Vegas slogan... What happens in Las Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas... It comes home with you.
Wanda said…
Great Humor....and Great Insight!
I loved all the comments by other readers...Great stuff! You have a way of making us look at serious issues with a smile and face ourselves in areas where we lack!!
Patty said…
I hate to say this, but I bet they have a lot of these how to web sites, we don't know about, only because we aren't looking for a way to cheat someone or get by without getting caught doing something we aren't suppose to be doing to begin with. Never ceases to amuse me how so many are so anxious to get away with something illegal. Have a nice rest of the week. We're having snow, blowing, and 26 degrees. Most of the schools in the area have closed because there is ice under the snow.
Annie said…
I am impressed with your sentiments, Greg. I hope others are as well.
snowelf said…
Greg, you make an excellent point and this is an excellent post.

Kati said…
What gets me about the "speed traps" is not the fact that people are necessarily speeding. In our town, at least, it's 2 very drastically different speed-limit signs placed impossibly close to each other on a single stretch of road. And the cops LOVE catching somebody who's having a problem slowing down from 55 mph (posted speed) to 25 mph (posted speed) in the 1/4 of a mile between signs.

There's another one in town where the top of the off-ramp says 45 mph (the TOP of the off-ram, going DOWN) and promptly at the bottom, nearly hidden behind some trees that the city doesn't seem to like to cut, is a sign that reads 25 mph. That's quite a popular spot for cops to sit & catch "speeders" as well. Thing is, these people aren't always speeding. DH took the off-ramp at 35 one day (it was slick, he slowed down) only to get busted because he wasn't going 25 mph when he passed the second sign, which was hidden behind trees. He got off that one because he went back the next day & took a pic of how the sign was hidden, proof enough for the judge to drop the speeding charge, though the blocking brush was never cleared properly.

These same cops will sit idly by while brand-new vehical after brand-new vehical driven by teenagers pulls roaring onto the main road. Many of these teenagers have been nearly mashed by the big-rig fuel trucks that also travel this main road on their way past the HS road, to & from the Fuel Refinery, and yet the cops don't do a darn thing about slowing these kids down. But, if a cop happens to see you not slow down for that first speed trap I mentioned, there's no leniency.

*sigh* Your point is a good one, but it must be admitted that not all speed traps are fairly posted. Not all "speeders" are truly disregarding the law. Some of these speed-traps are arranged to take advantage of the folks who drive those routes every day.

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