What's in your future?

Did you ever have one of those job interviews where they ask you: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” This is one of those questions where there is really no right or wrong answer. You start second guessing yourself wondering if you should say that you will still be where you started or really lay it on the line and tell them that you hope to be the CEO in five years. As someone that was forced to ask such ridiculous questions, the best thing you do is give a wishy washy answer about doing positive things for the company. The wrong answer is: “God willing I will be laid up at home drinking beer and watching television while waiting on a compensation check from some work related injury.” It may be true but that’s not the right answer.

The truth is who knows where we will be in five years or even one year for that matter. As we end another year, every radio and TV show is focusing on: 2007 the Year in Review. They cover the best and worst happenings of the year on everything from fashion to parenting. Most of it bores me so I don’t watch much TV between now and January. I like to take this time and start planning on the coming year and things that I want to do. I wish I could predict where I will be this time next year but I really can’t. (right now I am working on the rest of the day) I can set goals though and try to move toward those goals throughout the year. If you are like me and set goals, here is something fun to do.

Write down your goals and then seal them in an envelope and send it to a friend. Ask the friend to keep it and not open it but instead to mail it back to you in one year. I did this once and was amazed at how my goals had shifted with time. In my envelope, I included a dollar bill with a note that said “if you are having a bad day, buy a coke with this dollar. You deserve it.” I forgot about the letter and busted out laughing when I got it and saw the dollar. I was having a bad day too so it was especially nice.

On another note:

I was "warned" about the new Church we are going to. I was told it was too “cultish.” They hug you there and its way to social. People mingle and talk before and after church and they are way too happy during the service. They play uplifting music and dare I say it "have a guitar player". "It is more of a social event" where you come out feeling good and happy. People actually sing out loud. “Church shouldn’t be like that.”

So if Church doesn't uplift you then what does?

Have a great day,


PS: my prediction is that 2008 will be a great year!!!


Lori said…
I like your idea to write a list of goals and send it to someone. I hope 2008 brings you lots of good things!
Sounds like the church is a place where the people are REAL. :)
I am beginning to spend time now thinking of what it is what I want to accomplish in 2008. This past year has been the year from hell so I hope to make 2008 a way better year! :)
I like that envelope idea! Hope you have a great new year!
Celticspirit said…
I also love the ideas of the goals in the envelope!

I wanted to ask you Greg are you going to start up your gardening blog again? Since we are in the same general area maybe you can give me some tips on how to improve the clay soil.
Greg C said…
Wow I didn't realize that people were still reading my original blog "Gregs Private Garden". Based on that, I will reopen it and begin posting there again soon. I wanted to also direct your attention to my son's blog called "Wadmalaw Gardens". Both are listed under my favorite blogs. I really need to update that list as I have so many new friends. Thanks for visiting everyone.
Kim S in SC said…
OK, love the idea of including a dollar for a coke in the envelope! And I love coming to your blog! It always makes me think AND laugh! Happy New Year!
Lori said…
Oh my, it sounds like my church.
Janice Thomson said…
What a great idea Greg!
A guitar person? Oh my what blasphemy - not! Sounds like a wonderful place.
I too have looked in on your gardening blog many times and have it in my reader in hopes of seeing a post there.
Kerri Farley said…
Oh Greg....your New Church sounds wonderful. That is my vision of how a church should be!

I like the idea about the goals too! How neat!
kirsten said…
Great post, Greg!! What a great way to look at our lives. Goal-setting is good, but there's no way we have the final say on what will or will not happen.

And your Church sounds like mine! Wasn't it Jesus who invited people to come as they are, who spent His time with tax collectors, hookers, lepers, and other marginalized folks? If you can't be real, honest, & authentic in Church, where can you be?

I can't believe it's almost 2008!!!
Wanda said…
Greg you have the most delightful way of saying any and everything. I love the goal and letter idea, especially the buck for the coke.
Yes, if Church can't be uplifting...what can!
Love your way of looing at life!
I'm looking ahead with anticipation for 2008, I also believe it is going to be a great year of adventure.
Suz. said…
You are so right about church!

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