Looking Back

If I were to look back at last week, I would have to rate it as a 10. But since I am no longer looking back, I can't do that. Ok I will digress for just a moment. Last week was outstanding. Everything I touched, seemed to turn to gold. I couldn't begin to list all the positive things that happened to me so you will just have to trust me that it was a wonderful week.

I owe it all to the changes I have made in my life. First off, I am eating right. No I am not dieting, I am just eating properly and because of that, I am loosing weight. I am taking my vitamins regularly too and that is helping. I am getting more sleep so I am wide awake when I get to work. Now that I am getting more sleep, I am cutting back on my caffeinated coffee some more in hopes of getting down to a safe level. Ok I did have that Starbucks on Saturday but I felt I deserved a little treat. I am not letting work get to me and I was actually able to walk away from a situation that needed attention on Friday. Things worked themselves out and everything is ok this morning. I was able to spend my time at home and because of that, enjoyed some monetary gains. I have quit worrying about things too and I am letting things take their course and because of that, I have much less stress. I think I am finally relaxing and enjoying life. Oh well better get moving. Time for my morning reading. Have a wonderful day everyone. Looks like it will be a great week.

Oh I did always want to own a farm and may one day.



Kathy said…
Sounds like that Book is working!
Kim S in SC said…
What a great Monday morning post! Have a great week! (I want a farm one day too)
Felicia said…
WOW sounds like you are doing wonderful! I love weeks like that!

Here is to another super week!!

Felicia =0)
We did a healthy change in eating habits a couple years back due to my husband's increased cholestrol and we all lost weight as a result. We didn't eat after 7 pm, really watched the saturated fats and trans, ate whole grains, and watched our portion sizes. I know we really felt better and my husband's cholestrol dropped 100 points.
Lori said…
Good for you! I'm glad things are going so well. I hope this week is just as good, or even better!
Wanda said…
Oh Greg...This is so encouraging!! I too have really started eating right, still walking when the weather permits, limiting my Starbucks, and making it non-fat. and rest and sleep are a key factor....Yeah Greg..!!
Angie said…
Recipes for success! Attaboy!
Kerri Farley said…
FANTASTIC that all is going well Greg! Hubby and I have started eating healthier as well.
Celticspirit said…
Glad to hear you had a good week Greg. Looks like you are on the right path.

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