7 things about me

1. I served in the United States Navy for 20 years during which time I operated nuclear power plants on submarines. My favorite memory was the time we were in the North Atlantic and a pod of whales was around us. For an entire night we could hear them talking to each other right through the hull. They were so close that you could actually feel the vibrations from the noise they were making. The scariest moment was when a fire broke out while we were 1000 feet down in the ocean. We got it out and no one was hurt thankfully but it really made me think about death.

I got to travel when I was in the Navy. While I was in Naples Italy they were arranging a trip to some place called Pompeii. I had never heard of it so I opted not to go. I also went to Scotland but I only brought back a spoon. I hear they have good wool and china there. (So much for my geographical knowledge.} It was my worst subject. I did enjoy the food in both places. Food is my best subject.

2. I am deathly afraid of spiders. When I was young I was running through the woods and got a big banana spider on my face. It was about 4 inches across. Since then I have hated them. I am convinced that they are the work of the devil. I often have dream where the earth is being attacked by giant spiders from outer space, At first I am afraid but then I see the skipper from Gilligan's island and realize it is just that bad movie I saw a long time ago. Did anyone see that movie "The Giant Spider Invasion"? The only thing scarry about that movie was the acting.

3. I once cooked a meal for President Jimmy Carter. My father was a Southern Democrat and used to put on benefit fish fries. One year he and I were doing one for the Democratic Party in Florida. Word came out that the President was going to stop by and have lunch. I was really excited. Some of the secret service men arrived but then they all packed up and headed out. It seems that the President’s plans had been changed. Oh well there goes my moment of glory. We did cook for and serve the Governor of Florida once though.

4. I was a band nerd in high school. I played the trumpet and was pretty good at it. I got to play in both Disney parades in the US, one in Florida and the other in California. I played at half time at an Atlanta Falcons football game. Our band went to California to play in the Rose Bowl parade but I got sick that morning and had to sit out. We were staying in the UCLA dormitory. After everyone left for the parade, the place came alive and a bunch of girls came over into the men,s dormitory. There were some parties going on that day but I was too sick to participate.

5. I am extremely lucky. I win a good percentage of the raffles and drawings that I enter. I once won one of those national call-in radio contests. You know the ones: “Be caller 100 right now and win a million dollars.” Unfortunately at the time I won the contest they were only giving away $5000.00. The very next day they upped it to 10K. Maybe I am not that lucky. There is a secret to my success but to find out what it is you will have to keep reading my blog. One day I will tell you.

6. I used to coach Women’s Softball. I coached a team on Kings Bay Naval base and won the base championship several years in a row. I also coached a Womens Church team here in South Carolina. We won a state championship one year and came in second another. I gave it up though. I couldn’t take the complaining from the husbands. The only thing worse would be coaching little league. Then I would have to put up with both parents.

7. I was originally baptised "Seventh Day Baptist" not to be confused with Seventh Day Adventist. What, you have never heard of it? That's ok no one had back then. We were outcasts because we went to church on Saturday. All our friends went to church on Sunday. It actually is a very old religon and very big in some parts of the country. It's the church my Grandmother Green grew up in so that is where we went. The problem was that everyone in the church was old escept our family and the preacher's family. Those were the only two families with kids. Neadless to say we hung out together and they tought us how to get into trouble.

Well in the words of Porky Pig, "That's all Folks" I will have some great thought provoking posts and some new photo's this week so please come back.

My son says my posts are getting too long. How do you all feel about that?

Breakfast will be served in one hour. We are having country ham, fresh eggs and Bagels with creem chese and strawberry jam. Better "Rise and Shine, Give God the Glory" as Paster Ken used to say.

Have a Blessed Sunday


Kathy said…
That was so fascinating! Kinda sounded like Forrest Gump in a few places, Greg! HaHa!

I also attended a very small country church as a kid...was even married there...and it was much like yours, attended mostly by older people and any of us younger ones left as we went to college and moved away, so it eventually folded.

Your breakfast sounds good, as does your plans for shrimp, oysters, and hush puppies! I'm doing chili and watching the big race this afternoon!
Amrita said…
Hi Greg, rwd this one up. Wow you cooked for President Carter.what an honor.

what kind of liver do you use. We only eat lamb liver, or chicken, but i don 't like that too much. Beef liver we don 't eat that mu7ch its very fattening.But we make a spicy stir fry.
grandmama said…
I really enjoy your writing and I don't think your blogs are too long. I usually enjoy my coffee and your blog before going to work. Thank you for brightening my day most everyday.
Annie said…
It's fun to read and learn about you. As long as you don't expect answers to be the same length as your post, we'll do just fine.

By the way, we have one thing is commong - I'm very good at eating, too.
Celticspirit said…
Thank you Greg for serving our country! And you got to cook for Jimmy Carter. What did you cook? And no...I don't think your posts are too long. I enjoy reading them. Barb
Kristen said…
I love reading your posts - they're not too long at all! You have the best stories, and I really love how you work a message (and lots of humor) into each one. I have to disagree with your son! :-)
That's a lot of really interesting details of your life. Thanks for sharing!
Wanda said…
Oh this was so interesting!!!

I will read you post whether short on long...it's always good reading!!

LOL Wanda
Lori said…
Those are all very interesting facts. You've done a lot of great things! I'm deathly afraid of spiders too, but I do like your photo of the spider web.
sandy said…
Well that was fun to read.

beautiful!! spider web!!


p.s. came here from Wanda's blog.

Kim S in SC said…
Glad to be back to read all my favorite blogs! Catching up tonight! Love this post as well as the ones from last week!
ChrisJ said…
Your writing is very "readable" as my English teacher used to say, so I don't think your blogs are too long. The problem arises if you have too many other blogs to read! I keep trying to pare down my list (I have about 60 that I visit over a week's time!). Every time I cut back, I find a couple more I like. I like the way you work in 'the moral of the story'. You have the reader hooked before they get to your message. That's good!
Susan Skitt said…
I enjoyed reading this Greg. Very interesting! Thanks for playing along!

My father-in-law (from my first husband who passed away) is Navy. We still stay in close contact with Pop-Pop and Nannie for my oldest son's sake and because we love their family.

My son Jared plays trombone and my dad plays trumpet (Jared at church and school and my dad still at church)

Oh and you hit a nerve (a good nerve) with me and softball. I made the all county team in highschool for shortstop. It is my all time favorite sport! My grandfather coached our girls softball team for awhile. I'm sure you two could chat about that - LOL! No more team these days, we all up and went and got married and have kids who are in sports. It's their time to shine!

And about the posts? Your writing is very easy reading, interesting and fun. Personally, I'm trying to do a mix of short and long posts.
Angie said…
Fascinating! I find blogging way more interesting than reality tv, don't you? I would have loved to hear those whales! They are my favorite mammal. Ixna on the fire though!

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