Freaky Friday

Yea, it’s Friday. And do you know what that means? Only two more work days this week. Yes I may have to work all weekend but then for the first time since I started with this company, I will be getting paid well for it. So you won’t hear any complaining from me. One of the supervisors tried to get me all riled up about having to work these extra hours but his attempt failed and I just said “I will work how ever many hours my boss wants”. They hate my positive attitude.

Strange virus:

Something really strange happened yesterday. I work in an office with someone else and the room is divided with one of those “attractive” grey office partitions. We are building a maintenance schedule using a complicated scheduling program. As luck would have it, our company in its infinite wisdom decided to install an update to the program one week before our maintenance outage was to begin. We are having all kinds of problems now and have to reboot our computers several times a day. Yesterday, my coworker was busy making work order entries. All of a sudden I heard him say “what the heck” Then I heard him mumble to himself and I could tell he was getting frustrated. He continued to struggle and I could tell he was becoming angry. I asked what was wrong and he said that the entries he just made were disappearing. He explained that he entered 20 work orders but when he went back and checked there were only 19. He checked again and the number dropped to 17, then 15, then 13 and finally 11. Was this the work of a virus?

The rest of the story: I was in my little cube across the room deleting entries. Right in the middle, my computer crashed so I rebooted. When I searched for my records to delete, it then picked up the ones he had just entered so I was deleting them as fast as he could enter them. What we have here is a failure to communicate. OOPS, sorry.

Strange weather:

It is wet outside. Very wet. There is wet stuff falling from the sky but it isn’t rain. The people on the Weather Channel are sticking to their guns and saying it will be the driest year we have had in a long time. I am beginning to believe that they are all Israelites. I can’t wait to see them standing knee deep in water reporting on the drought. Wake up and smell the coffee guys. Animals are starting to pair up here.

Family time:

My family is starting to read my blog regularly. This really is strange. Not only do they read the final project but my son sits over my shoulder when I am typing like vulture waiting for me to make a typo. He then pounces on it and it really irritates me. I know I am not a good speller but I lose my train of thought when he interrupts me. I prefer to get to the end and then proof read. Spelling and grammar were always my worst subjects and everyone else in my family is better at them than I. I always preferred math. Math is black and white to me. You either got it or you aint I always say.

Have a wonderful day,

PS it is now “not raining” harder.


Susan Skitt said…
Oh Greg you make me laugh! The animals are lining up two by two, too funny :)
Patty said…
That would really bug me, having one of my kids standing over my shoulder. You need a private room, that you can go into and type, even if it means locking the door.

We had more snow last night, then some sleet, now it's trying to rain, which means we'll have lots of ice by the time people are gtting off work. I'm so happy and thankful I no longer have to go out into this mess to get to and from work. Have a great week-end.
Lori said…
That is so funny! Especially your story about deleting your colleague's work! I guess he didn't think it was funny. We are getting a lot of precipitation here too.
Dawn said…
Is that kind of like global warming?

Hey, thanks for stopping by my rambling. It's always fun to have new commenters!
Janice Thomson said…
Hi Greg!
Love your humorous post - especially the bit about deleting your colleague's entries :)

I'm back online and trying to catch up. It's good to be here reading you again.
Mimi said…
I've had a few virus's like that myself...funny... thanks for visiting my blog... and for your kind comments... I do hope you come back and visit again soon...
Has it stopped "not raining" yet?
Kati said…
ROFL Stay dry, Greg, and get your butt in gear on building that danged boat!! Sounds like you're going to need it soon! *grin*

My hubby & daughter have recently started monitor my typing in that "vulture over the shoulder" stance. Weird!
Wanda said…
Funny, I long to have some of my family members read my blog, but only my son and sister are regulars. My husband says, "Honey, I trust you, so why do I need to read it". You are either a blogger....or you are NOT. There is no middle ground!!

BTW I'm a blogger, and you will get a visit from me daily!!!
Annie said…
I think you are lucky to have a family who is interested in your blog, Greg.
Mom23QTs said…
Great post dad! At least I'm not the child standing over you proof-reading LOL.

THanks for posting on my blog recently, my new one I mean. I can't believe you found it but I suppose it isn't that hard when it's probably listed on my profile. I was almost hoping no one I know would find it any look at it, but in the end I'm glad you're there. Makes me more accountable! *wink* We can do it!
Angie said…
I love your random musings. You are the neatest guy ever! Have a wonderful weekend working. Positivity is contagious to some or repulsive to others.
Laurie A. said…
I love your corner of the blogsphere! En "Joy" the work you have the privilege to undertake this weekend. Thank you for stopping by.
Kathi said…
Hi Greg, Thanks for visiting my blog. Wow, lots of rain. It does sound like you need both an umbrella and a boat.

I'm not good with grammar either, Dad even sent me an email last night telling me not to forget my colons and semi-colons.....picky, picky!!!
Kati said…
Hey Greg!!! I hope you're having a good time this weekend, even with work. There's an award waiting for you at my place, when you get a chance!

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