I'm the man!

Ask anyone. Well maybe not anyone, but ask me and I will tell you. I’m the man! There isn’t anyone quite like me. I guess that’s a good thing. “I can bring home the bacon. Fry it up in a pan and never let my wife forget I’m the man. ” You may quote me on that. There are lots of things you can quote me on. There are too many to list them all here.

My wife says I have an ego the size of Texas. What does she mean by that? “It isn’t bragging if you can back it up” I always say. That’s another one of my original quotes. Honestly though, I am very talented and there are lots of things I can do. Whenever something goes wrong at work, and they need someone to pin it on, I’m the man. Whenever there is a project that no one else wants, I’m the man. Whenever something around the house needs to be fixed, I am definitely the man.

Last evening, I stopped on the way home and picked up a rotisserie chicken for supper. After we finished eating, I worked on my son’s car and then worked on the washing machine. I got the washer fixed and I am waiting on my son to call to find out if the car is working better today. I really have never had any training on either appliance or car repair but I can work on both. My secret is simple. I give it a try. Most young people these days give up without even trying. It is easy to just say. “I don’t know how to do it” or “it’s not my job”. I get great satisfaction from giving something a try and succeeding. I do occasionally fail (see honey I said it) but I succeed more times than I fail. If you don’t try, how will you ever know if you are good at something or not.

There are still some things I want to try in life. I am working on writing at the moment and I want to one day try my hand at painting. No sky diving or rock climbing for me though. Those are the kind of things that you don’t want to find out the hard way that you are not good at. I will just assume that I could do them if I really wanted to and stick to the safe things.

I do have to give credit where credit is due. My wife helps me out a lot. Last night, she fixed the other things to go along with the chicken and had it ready when I arrived home. She also got the boy’s homework started and got the fire started in the house and our greenhouse. She did several loads of laundry too during the day and then held the flashlight for me while I worked on the washer and also handed me tools. She even kept quiet when she knew I was getting angry with the washing machine.

Now my son is a different story. He did help my youngest son with his homework but the rest of the time, he was blogging. Imagine that, like father like son. He’s another blog addict.


Celticspirit said…
Good post Greg. I do agree that a lot of younger people don't even try to do something, they just say those words....I can't do it. Of course if they go into with that attitude then they surely can't do it. I don't know that you have an ego the size of Texas but you do have a heart the size of Texas. Have a wonderful day back there in SC.
Kathy said…
Walter Mitty is alive and well in South Carolina! haha
Kathy said…
James Thurber wrote about the adventures of Walter Mitty. He was an average man who would daydream about being other characters as he went about his own life.

I think there was a version of it on television back in the day with maybe Tom Ewell playing the role...it was fun.
Mom23QTs said…
HA! Funny blog dad and not in the least bit unexpected from you! LOL You never came across with a huge ego until you just said it outloud. Believe it or not, Tony is a lot like you. He's good at a lot of things and knows it LOL.
Have a good one!
Kati said…
LOL Once again, very true! I think, in small part, one of the lessons that wasn't passed on so thoroughly to my generation, and that we're therefore not passing on to the next generation, is the lesson of proverbs. I don't mean proverbs the book of the bible necessarily, but proverbs like "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again", and "practice makes perfect". A lot of our parents didn't teach us that (though, my mom taught me a few, at least) through repetition by our parents. And we've grown up not having those old proverbs to fall back on when we get frustrated. And we're passing that lack of lesson on to our kids. I know my daughter's much like you said, she doesn't want to try if she doesn't think she can get it right the first time. And that's a shame, because you've pointed out how very many things there are in life that one can be good at if one simply tries.

Again, a good lesson Greg!

I did the scattergories post. Come on over & see, if you dare. *grin*
Janice Thomson said…
I think you'd make a great writer Greg. Put me first in line for your book!
Annie said…
Oh, yeah, I did the scattergories thing.
Wanda said…
Oh Greg...You are the Man!!! So was my father. He could do all the things you do. He could fix anything. He was amazing..and so are you, and it sounds like you picked a really great wife too.

Love your post...you are a writer!! And a good one.
Sian said…
Loved this one :D
Angie said…
Yep, you da man. I'll just have to be content being a flashlight holder. You know, I guess I'm pretty determined too. When I want something done, I stay with it until I can figure it out.

Have a good day, Greg.
Lori said…
It sounds like you and your wife are a good team! I have no knack for fixing things, but if I stick with it, I can usually figure it out. Enjoy your weekend!
Susan Skitt said…
Sounds like great teamwork Greg. Wonderful! My husband's the man too. He can do anything he puts his mind too and I greatly admire that! Have a great weekend!
Had to laugh reading your Scattegories write up...Grappa ...most disqusting thing I have ever not been able to drink.My hubby and I have a saying... I'd rather be home drinking grappa! That means its not the worst thing we are doing at the moment!
Kristen said…
That is so impressive that you can fix all those things - and that you're always willing to try! I love your confident spirit. Your wife must have a good sense of humor. ;-)
Wanda said…
Greg this post so reminded me of my Dad, that I posted a story about him tonight, and linked it to you...hope you don't mind, but the stories are similar. He could fix anything too.

Check it out.
Garden Contessa said…
I have been enjoying your blogs so much that I signed up just to be interactive. Still a little bit hesitant about actually writting one myself. Maybe soon... From Garden Contessa to Gardner Greg.
Kim S in SC said…
So funny! Go man, go!

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