Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful comments that everyone has been leaving. I also wanted to say thanks to Kati and Shannon for giving me these awards. I think the last award I received was for perfect attendance in Grammer school. That's not true, I got a bunch of awards when I was in the Navy. I even got a letter signed by the President when I retired.

I can't believe I have had over 5000 visits to this blog. I must be doing something right. One of my neighbors who reads my blog and is now refering to me as "The Preacher". Did I miss my calling? I am working on tomorrow's post today so yall come back now, ya hear. (that's southern for please visit again)

Have a blessed Wednesday everyone.



Kathy said…
Congratulations on the awards!
Mom said…
I just found your blog via the comment you left at Tales from the scales. I like it! I like the way that you write, so I was glad to be able to subscribe to your RSS feed. I am looking forward to reading more.
As We Sail... said…
Congratulations Greg and thanks for visiting my blog.
Sian said…
I wouldn't be surprised if preaching turned into being your thing. Just as long as you keep on blogging about it :)
kirsten said…
Congrats, Greg!! Well-deserved awards. Lots of good stuff here, it's no wonder so many stop by. :o)

Congrats, again!!
Kathy said…
Congratulations on that 9 pound loss!
We're working to get 50 pounds off my husband in hopes he can cut out a lot of his insulin and maybe...maybe...maybe someday be free of it completely.
Wanda said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well deserved!!

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