The proof is in the puddle

I see why I have been getting headaches lately. I am cursed with really bad allergies. Mostly I am allergic to tree pollen. Now you see why I set the tree on fire when I was a child. I am miserable this time every year but I will try to keep smiling and maintain my positive attitude even though there is a war going on inside my sinuses. I know it is only a temporary thing so soon enough it will be over. No this picture isn't inside my nose although it will be looking like this soon. This is a puddle at work after the rain we had this morning. Time for some Benedryl.

"Yellow Gold"

It's not really gold. It is only valuable to my doctor. :)

Happy Friday,


Kristen said…
Me, too! Although the pollen hasn't come out yet up here in New England, but when I wake up on a spring morning and see our car coated in green or yellow, I know it's going to be a rough day nose-wise. I guess that's one reason to be thankful I work in a huge skyscraper without access to fresh air all week. Claritin D is my all-time medicinal best friend. Benadryl just knocks me out, but Claritin actually makes me feel better. Hope you feel better soon!
Angie said…
I share in your agony. At least you keep your sense of humor. I like that about you.
Celticspirit said…
Hey did you change the look of your blog or am I just going crazy? It looks different anyhow. I think I have allergies since coming back here and never had them before....even when I lived here 4 years ago. It's no fun, that's for sure.
Greg C. II said…
Allergies are the worst! I feel your pain. Every car at school was yellow today.
Janice Thomson said…
When the shrubby pines lose their pollen a bit later in the season I get some awful headaches too.
Take care of yourself Greg - hopefully it will pass soon.
I do like the photo though. :)
Sharon Lynne said…
Hope you feel better soon. Everything is blooming here in Southern California, too.

My young son, our official lawn-mower, put on a mask today, when he went out to mow.

(But then again, our back yard is beautiful green weeds)
Sian said…
I like the new layout
Wanda said…
I'll send a case of kleenex with the cards ((ha ha)) I pick them up today!
When I lived in SC, the only allergy I had was to the tree pollen, as well. Other than that, I was a healthy person down there!!!
Up here?!? I am allergic to everything!!! I suffer year round. It is all this soybean & corn & agriculture stuff we are surrounded by. Yuck!!
Heh, checked out your realty site and added you as my realtor. Searched awhile and saved a few of the houses I had found. I may just be using you in the future for when I am ready to move back! :)
Kati said…
I hope you feel better soon, Greg!!! (Or, at the very least, that your doc gets you on some pretty good allergy drugs! *wink*)


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