Beach findings

Sunday at the last moment, we decided to take a ride out to our favorite beach. It is on a small island just south of Seabrook Island. It consists of 250 acres of sand with some vegitation. It is a place where many shore birds nest as well as Loggerhead turtles. Because of this, you have to stay near the water and walking in the dunes is prohibited.

My wife and oldest son picked up trash, while my youngest son played in the sand. I spent some time rinsing out the boat since it was dirty from not being used all winter. We always spend part of our trip to this island picking up trash. It is amazing how much stuff washes up on a beach like this. Later on, I did some beach combing and found some intereting items. Can you tell what kind of shells these are?

The waters around this island are home to many animals including this horseshoe crab. This one got stranded on the beach and died which is very common. You would think they could tell the water was leaving them since they have so many eyes. Do you know how many they have?

This was another good find on the beach. It is the remains of another animal. Who knows that this is called and shich animal it is from?

This is another common site on the beach. Kids just love to bury themselves in the sand.

I will have the answers to all these questions tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day,


Susan Skitt said…
What a wonderful day and interesting finds :)

And about kids and burying in the sand. I hear you, my youngest is very into digging and burying - lol! What fun!
I like to get buried in the sand :)

I can't wait till my toes are in the sand.......oooh weee!
It's embaressing to say after being born in raised in South Florida that I don't know the answer to any of those questions!
Kerri Farley said…
What a fabulous day to spend with your family! Sounds like so much fun! Love your shots, too!
Angie said…
I'm trying not to be jealous. I want to feel that wet sand on my bare feet. I didn't even know shells had different names. Now I want to learn them. Great shots!
Lori said…
I love your beach photos! You were lucky to find such pretty shells. I don't know the answers to any of your questions so I will look forward to learning them tomorrow!
Kati said…
Oh, it looks like a beautiful Sunday. I'm glad y'all had such a good time!!! And, what beautiful shells!!! Did you keep them??? (Are you ALLOWED to keep them, for that matter?) This is something I wish I had more of a chance to do, beach comb. Do y'all keep any sea-glass you find??? Great on ya for picking up trash as well as treasures!!!

Wishing you all many, many more such beautiful Sunday afternoons on the beach.
Happyone said…
So many great finds at the beach. I love to walk the beach, though I haven't for a few years now.
I like to go early morning when not many people are about.
Sandpiper (Lin) said…
Hi Greg, Great pictures! We used to spend our weekends at Seabrook when we lived in Charleston. Thanks for visiting my blog today! I've enjoyed looking at your blogs.
Janice Thomson said…
Most of the shells look like clam and mussels and one looks like a crab shell/moult, possibly an oyster shell too? Don't know the rest.

I think the horseshoe crab has 10 or 11 eyes - 2 compound, 4 simple eyes and the rest are light sensors.

Is that a sea urchin in third photo?

An interesting post Greg. I love going to the beach.
ChrisJ said…
Yes, that has to be a sea urchin! I think I recognized the clam shells and oyster shell. I have quite a collection of shells too, but not any from around here -- except lots of - oops -- senior moment -- and I only have about a dozen of them! I'll think of the name soon and then come back and tell you.
ChrisJ said…
ABALONE SHELLS!! Knew I'd think of it eventually. As my husband would say, "The first thing to go is your memory, and I've forgotten what the other one is."
Lori said…
Wow! It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful day. I think the day at the beach with my family was the best part of our trip to Charleston.
sandy said…
Oh cool, I love that you described them and well..reallyl enjoyed this.... I would not have been able to identify them...


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