Going, going but not gone

I will be taking a very short break from blogging. I have some business to attend to. I will return on Monday and tell you all about it. I should have some great pictures (hopefully) for you too. I hope everyone has a great week. I look forward to catching up on all your blogs on Monday.

Take care,

PS don't forget about me. :)


Kristen said…
That sounds very intriguing! Can't wait to hear about it and see the mystery pictures. :-)
Wanda said…
How in the world could we forget you Greg....

Have a great break and trip, and will be here when you get back ready to see all your pictures and hear the stories.

Mom23QTs said…
Hope you have a great trip dad! Had a good visit last weekend, can't wait to do it again soon!

Angel said…
have a great weekend Greg, and bring back some good pictures of....whatever!!
Janice Thomson said…
Can't wait to see your pics! Have a good trip.
Heh....was gonna find out the best way to contact all y'all when I come down next week. Hope you get this before Monday afternoon!!!
sandy said…
Have a great weekend and don't forget the pics.

Angie said…
Have a good weekend! Check ya later.
ChrisJ said…
I just got back from a short trip and my special bloggers didn't forget me, so we certainly won't forget you. Have a safe and satisfying trip.
Celticspirit said…
We won't forget about you. Have a good time, whatever you're doing.

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