Project Green, Garden helpers

I wish I could have zoomed in closer on this bottle brush because up close it really looked spectacular. I am so happy to report that from about 6 feet away, I could hear the buzzing of bees. I expected to see bumble bees since honey bees are very scarce these days but it wasn't. Yes we have honey bees again. Yea. There must have been several hundred on just this one bush. Welcome back bees.

Here is a little closer shot but I don't think you can see the bees.

I love frogs. This green frog watches over our ivy vine and keeps other critters out of the garden.

Have a wonderful green day,


Unknown said…
I zoomed in and saw one bee. The bottom left red flower had one dug in there!

And this year, we have WAY more bumble bees (wood borers) than I have ever seen. I think they are beginning to bore into peoples decks. The subdivision is now about 3 years old and I think the bees are able to build under decks now or something! They scare the crap out of me cause we sit on the back deck and the dive bomb our heads, but have never actually touched us, yet!
Unknown said…
I have a question. I have a Peony that was transplanted from someone else's yard about two years ago. Last year and this year it gets pretty big, has big round buds on it, but they don't open. What could be causing that and what do I do to fix it?
Celticspirit said…
We have loads of bees here, way more than last year. I like your frog, very cute!
Janice Thomson said…
Love that bush Greg - it is so unique - we can't grow them here.
sandy said…
Have a great green day yourself...

Love the frog.

Anna said…
I HAVE NO GREEN THUMB WHAT-SO-EVER so I am loving these!
lynn said…
These are great and love the frog.

Thanks for stopping by mine.
Happyone said…
I think I did spot a bee or two.
Love your frog!!
Kim S in SC said…
It really does look like a bottle brush! Can you find them in local nurseries here in SC? Love it. IS it full sun? OK, guess you can tell, I am here on the blog for the evening and just catching up a bit. Have a great week!
Wanda said…
Love your "bottle brush" bush. I've really missed coming by ~~but we are all moved in and I'm hoping to catch up on all your previous posts.


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