It's going around. Do you have it?

Better watch out, there is something going around and it is very contagious. I won’t say where or who I got it from but I am trying not to give it to anyone else. I hope I haven’t. You know what it is don’t you. It’s the blog blues. It’s when you have lots to write about but for some reason you just can’t sit down and write. I think in the pre-blog days it was called writers block. I actually blame mine on the weather. It has been so nice lately that I just want to be outside. The bad part is that I have so much to write about that I feel I should at least write a little.

Last week was the start of the Spoleto festival here in Charleston. The market was packed with people on Saturday. I didn’t know it but during Spoleto, the Farmers Market says open later than usual. They had bands, jump castles, more vendors than usual, jugglers, people on stilts, and magicians. There was a small brass quartet playing right behind us and I wanted to ask them if they could play the Umpa Lumpa song from Willy Wonka but my son said that would embarrass him so I didn’t. I bet they could though. As luck would have it though, I forgot my camera so there are no pictures. The good news is that Spoleto will be going on for another three weeks so I do have time to get some photos.

Our plants are doing great. I have so many day lilies blooming now you wouldn’t believe it. Again I haven’t taken any photos but I will do that soon. We have been spending a lot of time organizing, weeding and repotting our plants. Pretty soon, we will have it all in order though and I will have more time to blog. We have had a few nice surprises too in our garden. We had some blue thistles bloom. At least I think that is what they are. Someone gave them to us and they started blooming this year. When we called to ask what they were, the person that gave them to us said she didn’t know. We also have this kind of purple flower that we think is a ginger. If I get a chance this evening, I will take some pictures of each and maybe give a prize to anyone who can correctly identify them.

I finished Psalms. Yea me!!! I am now reading Proverbs. I don’t believe I have ever read them before. I do like it though, very much. It speaks a lot about wisdom. There are a lot of great words of wisdom in Proverbs and a lot of great rules to live by. Do you know what the beginning of wisdom is? I bet some of you know the answer to that.

Have a wonderful and Blessed day,


No pressure, you take ALL the time you need :)

Glad to hear about the happenings!

And what do I have to do to get some photos around here eh?!?! haha, j/k
I enjoyed it when that festival was in town in the years past. Always cool to check out the art that people bring in. :)
Janice Thomson said…
It's hard to be at the computer when the weather is so nice - I love being outside in the garden. Blogging just has to wait sometimes :)
Happyone said…
Psalms 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

We have been having great weather too and it is hard to stay inside on those days.
I have some day lilies in my yard that are about to bloom but have quite made it yet.
Susan Skitt said…
Always enjoy the visits to Greg's General store. Just write it when it comes to you and have fun!

And "Happy One" beat me to the punch. (I'm always the competitor, learning to "chill" in my "old age", however.)

Yes, the fear of the LORD, meaning respect for our Master and God, is the starting place for true wisdom :)

Hey, on a different note, my 16-year-old son has been checking out two colleges down south :) Who knows, maybe we'll be traveling as a family soon to see them!
Sian said…
I have that too, as you might have noticed. I am still spinning and dying fibre, but writing about it (which is why I started my blog in the first place) has sort of lost its shininess...

I was always told that the first step towards wisdom is realising the fact that you know nothing. Though fear of the Lord is also a good place to get to.

Your festivals sound fun. It is raining here. Standard Summer weather for us Brits...
Angel said…
sure I know what the beginning of wisdom is...the letter "W"...DUH!

Wanda said…
I think Beth is a "wise guy" and I love it!!! Yes, Fear is the answer, but so many people have the wrong concept of what is meant here. Glad one of your readers mentioned "Respect and Awe".
I'm glad you share your story even w/o pictures is very good.

We've been working in our backyard cleaning out flower beds.
Sam!! said…
Agreed with most of the commentators here that 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom.. '

Hope u can spare sometime soon to get some pictures from your garden.. :)

Take care
Angie said…
Yep, I've caught it too. Lots of stuff in my head and half-started on my laptop, but the great outdoors is calling me to living. Can't wait to see your flowers.
Lori said…
Yes, Yes, Yes I had it. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just stopped blogging for a bit.

I'm back and happy as ever.

BTW- Thank you for your very nice comment on my blog. Thank you also for your prayers at this time. It sounds like you already know what I am going to be facing for the next year.

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