Life Cycles

We had another round of bad storms last night. Fortunately there were no tornadoes in our immediate area. I think the closest one touched down about 30 miles away. These storms keep getting worse these days and I have to wonder if it is a taste of things to come or just a low spot in the rhythm of life. When I look at the news, I see chaos all around me and it looks there is no relief in sight. There are killings, floods, earthquakes, fires, riots and more disease than one can mention.

Even if some of these things don’t directly affect me, they still cause stress. It’s no wonder I am tired all the time. I really need some serious quiet time to recharge my batteries. And I know I am not alone. In talking with some other people at work they are all feeling the same way. What we need is little quiet places in our lives where we can get away and sit and meditate. I like working in the greenhouse. That is my quiet place.

I am still reading Psalms. I know, I know, I am a slow reader. I do enjoy Psalms as it is very poetic and easy to read. Most verses were intended to be sung. In reading though, I noticed that David went through the same things we are going through now. At times life for him was great and he praised God and thanked him for all he did for him. At other times though he was down and feeling defeated and he sounded very depressed. At those times he questioned God’s intent and didn’t understand the reasoning behind what was happening. He often asked “What have I done to deserve this?” I do that a lot when things go wrong. I wonder what I did to deserve something bad happening in my life.

Although I am only a short ways into my reading of the Bible, there have already been killings, floods, earthquakes, fires, riots and more disease than one can mention. All the things that are going on today have happened before. In some cases they were worse than they are today. In most cases, they have happened more than once. So maybe this isn’t the beginning of the end. Maybe this is just a low point in life and things will get better. I am not ready to give up and say that this is the end so I am going to keep on living.

Personally, life for me has been great lately. I have nothing to complain about. There may be some little things but the little things aren’t worth complaining about. The world around me may be crashing in but my world is rosy. I must be doing something right for God to bless me like he has. I think we should thank God for the wonderful things in life and blame man (ourselves) for the bad things. Usually though it is the other way around. People tend to the take credit when something good happens to them and blame God when things go wrong. I would be taking a lot of credit these days if I did that. So how is life treating you?

Have a blessed day,


Janice Thomson said…
I think you are quite right Greg - life does come and go in cycles and how we react or adjust is what makes life seemingly good or bad. Thoughtful post today.
Susan Skitt said…
Very thoughtful post Greg. One day, when God reigns on earth like He promised, all will be well. No more crazy stuff going on... until then, like David of old, we can trust God, even when it feels like the world is spinning out of control. Jesus, through the finished work of the cross, gives us peace, peace with Him and in Him. For that I am so thankful.
I'm glad to hear you are in good spirits despite what's going on in the world around you........I tend to get stressed out and upset when I see and hear about those things too.....but I stopped watching and reading the news to avoid feeling as though I should take on those burdens.......

I can say that I don't have any cause for complaint, even if I did, I wouldn't......haha.....ok, maybe a little :)
Unknown said…
Beautiful post. I enjoy reading psalms as well.
sandy said…
Very thought filled post today. I've been feeling that mood that you talked about. I'm having trouble getting inspired because of all that is going on in the world but I know that we will all get through, if we stand in faith, one way or the other.

Happyone said…
I am quite happy and content with my life. God has blessed me in so many ways. Life is grand!!

I read a part of the Bible every day along with a little booklet called "The Daily Bread."
I end up reading the whole Bible once a year.
Sian said…
I don't have the discipline to read the Bible all the way through and some of those books are enough to give a reader nightmares! Judges, Joshua - poor Joshua, not a moments peace. Now that's stress for you!

Give me the Psalms any day and I pray that you are resting in green pastures, with quiet waters beside you and a restored heart and mind.
Angie said…
Amen! Excellent observations. He is the shelter in the storm and yes, we can find that He gives gifts even in difficult times. I noted that in my post today. Our peace comes from Jesus, the Prince of peace, not in our circumstances.
Laure said…
Yours is a reminding voice today of the importance of the Word as a lamp and a light. Our Lord told us that we would have trials and tribulations in the world but that He . . . yes He . . . as overcome the world!! Savour your time in the Word, Greg. It is one of the most Presence-saturated times.
Wanda said…
This was so thought provoking today. I feel so blessed in my life right now ~~ our retirement, our move, our kids...
I worked for so many years, and this is truly a wonderful time in my life.

Thanks for your encouraging posts.
ChrisJ said…
Sometimes I just stop watching and reading the news because of all the negative things going on. It is hard to rejoice when all around us is going wrong. But Jesus did say to rejoice always... and He did say to think about all that is good and noble and right and honest and all those other good things. Those things give us peace in a very un-peaceful world.
Celticspirit said…
Hey Greg! I just stopped by to say Hi. I hope all is going well with you.

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