Random acts of kindness

I must be in the giving spirit these days as I seem to be doing lots of things out of the goodness of my heart. It's called a Random Act of Kindness or RAOC for short. I am holding more doors for people, talking more openly with strangers and even giving discounts at the market just because I feel like it. It seems like the more I do it, the better I feel about myself and the more I want to do it. The key though is to do something nice for someone and expect nothing in return. If you do something nice and expect a return then it isn't a RAOC. So my advice for the day is to try it. I am sure you will love the feeling it gives you. Make an effort to do one a day.

Now I need a favor. This doesn't count as your RAOC for the day so get that out of your head. If you look at the top right corner of my blog, you will see a little kitty. Please click on him and vote for my son's cat. He is the black and white one with Homer Simpson leaning on him. (#69) All you have to do is click on the link, click #69, then hit vote and then return to my blog. It's as easy as that and will be greatly appreciatedd. Thanks in advance for your support.

Have a wonderful day,



I voted....it was at 0.58%
Unknown said…
I voted for your son's cat picture, but, I will have to tell you, I sent the link to my daughter so she can post her two tuxedo cats. They are beautiful cats of 10 years of age. Watch out. I DO like your blog, interesting stuff.
Happyone said…
I voted for his cat too. Hope he wins!!
Angel said…
I voted...it was over 1%!!!! Keep voting people!!!
I voted. Now where's my sticker?!
Lori said…
Okay, I just voted. He's definitely Charleston's best cat!! (I guess they let you vote more than once? I'll have to go back!) :)
Scarlet said…
I voted for the cutest cat on the page...#69 of course. ;)

I love RAOK, as you know. I think it's wonderful that you're in the spirit as well!
sandy said…
I voted, it's at 1.17..I think...

I'll go back more if it is allowed.

Good luck Greg's son....
Connie Pombo said…
I voted, I voted, I voted...now what? When do we find out? I saw a lot of my cat's cousins on that page...is it any wonder? Smile.

Happy belated birthday Greg and MANY MORE!

Sarah J Clark said…
Greg, thanks for visiting my blog. I made sure to vote for your son's cat.

ROAC! =)
Marie Reed said…
I voted too! I'll become a voteaholic if need be! I'm jealous about your cheese grit breakfast. I'm going to go cook up another batch right now:)
Tammy said…
I voted! :)

Thank you for the reminder to show kindness to others in little ways...not only does it make them and us feel good, it's obeying God to love on another! But sometimes we need a gentle reminder in our busy lives!
Kati said…
I voted. It was up to about 1.27%.
Wanda said…
I voted for your son's cat!!

This must be pet day, as Molly our little Shih Tzu is 4 years old today!!

I love RAOC ~~ it makes the world a better place.
Marie Reed said…
As promised I voted yet again!
Greg C said…
Thanks a bunch to everyone who voted for our cat. It looks like there are more popular cats in Charleston so I am giving up. Besides that link was slowing down my blog. :)
Angie said…
Greg, I like you. Just so you know.

On my way to vote for the kitty.

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