Good news
Jim Cantori is not on his way to South Carolina. For those of you who are Weather Channel fans like myself, you know that as Jim goes so goes the hurricanes. It looks like Fay will stay in Florida. Great news for us but not so good news for people in Florida. They are already soaked and this may cause some flooding. Hey speaking of the Weather Channel does anyone else remember that they predicted the driest year in history this year. Wrong again. And as far as Hurricane Fay they are saying that she is unpredictable. I have news for you guys (and girls) they are all unpredictable. Well unless you are God.
So in other news I purchased a new digital camera. It should arrive in about 5 days. I will tell you more about it when it arrives. I hate to brag before I get it just in case it turns out to be a piece of junk. I think it will be a good one though. I will tell you it is a Sony. But for now I just got some pictures back so let me share them with you. I took these with my trusty Pentax 35MM camera and had a disk made at Walmart. They really do a pretty good job.
These are peaches at the Charleston Farmers Market. Don't let the looks fool you. They look great but they are pretty dry this year. That's what happens when you force them with tons of fertilizer.

These are some of my pears. No artificial ingredients here. Remember I cut them back a month or so ago. Well they are loaded down again.

This picture is for Connie. She doesn't like spiders. This is a silk spider in the woods beside my house. I don't like them either but I don't bother them if they don't bother me.

This is a bumble bee in one of my sunflowers. They honey bees are scarce but the bumble bees are picking up the slack. Thank God.

Here is another bumble bee in a Mexican Petunia. Make sure and enlarge the picture to see it better.

Who knows what kind of butterfly this is? We have hundreds in our yard thanks to the flower gardens.

The other day we were sitting outside and look what wandered into our back yard. Do ya think we live in the sticks?

And finally this is one of our cats. Her name is Nimin. Hey I didn't name her, I only buy the food. :)

Well that's it for now. I have more that I will share later.
Have a wonderful day,
Yes, you do live in the wild..look at that beauty in your yard.
I think the drought is here in Michigan. We haven't had rain in about 10 days and before that it had been a while. Lets just say, I haven't had to mow my lawn in over two weeks. Yikes! We need rain.
Your cat looks like she is about to growl!
Nimin - I had a friend once who used to call me that because I was a NMN - no middle name. :-)
I have LOTS of bumblebees on my sunflowers - I counted 6 at one time on one of them!
Yeah...the peach I had at the farmer's market wasn't the best as I have had in the past.
Yeah, I know.
I had a friend once who was from Charleston, and she always had very high praises for that town.
Your yard looks beautiful!
I am way impressed.....once you get the digital, you'll start to miss the details the 35mm can capture.....
Your post is really inspiring me to get mine back out again.....
Loving the cat's name, though she looks rather wicked in that picture!
Thanks for sharing the butterflies and pears and peaches with us, Greg!!! Dry or not, they're all lovely!