I want Justice

I hate to tell you all but I am not myself today. I am not the happy go lucky person I usually am. Today I am mad. No make that angry. No make that really really angry. Let me tell you why.

Last night my son was trying to get on the computer. When he tried to log onto the internet, he got an error message. After a few tries we felt that something was seriously wrong so we decided to quit trying and try again today. I began trying to fix my computer early this morning and I spent almost 8 hours with no luck. I did find out that I have a virus and after many hours I discovered what it was. It is called the CNN virus and if you haven't heard of it you might want to look it up to be on the lookout for it. It is a trojan virus that attaches itself to a CNN message and once you get it, it is hard to get rid of. There is a remedy for it but whenever I try to go get it, the virus leads me to some other site and I end up getting frustrated. I think I am going to have to get professional help on this one. Thankfully, I have this laptop which is still working so I was able to post this.

So what do I think we should do with someone who spreads a virus like this? Prison? Nope, too easy. Hanging? Nope too kind. There is only one punishment worthy of a crime like this. You guessed it. The Ned Beaty treatment. And I am just about mad enough to do it myself. See just how mad I am in this photo.

The only reason I managed to keep my composure today was because it is Sunday and I am reminded that God will punish these people and because I got my new camera. My son took the picture of bubba (me) and I took these of some flowers. Enjoy.

And have a great day (everyone but the squeeling hacker)



Patience said…
Yep. And now there's the MSN Breaking News Alert Virus!! And there's the ecard viruses!! And all the rest of 'em!!!

What kind of sick jollies do people get who do these kinds of things?!?
Susan Skitt said…
Oh my Greg, I am sorry to hear about that computer virus.

I loved your flower pics with your new camera. Keep shooting with the camera... not the other thing... unless of course you're on a target range :)

Take care!
Oh no! A Virus....that's no good! I use AVG (freeware) for my virus protection.....thankfully, I haven't had any problems!

That Bubba photo is pretty dang funny :o)
sandy said…
First off, you got great photos and that butterfly, wow, so clear and sharp...Looks like you got a good camera.

And second of all, HAHAHAHAH, you go get 'em.....Love the bubba photo!!

Marjie said…
Love your Bubba picture, and your flowers, too; hold the vigilante justice until Monday...oh, that's today! Good luck with the professional help (as long as he doesn't advise you to drag it out back and shoot it).
Lori said…
Love the picture of you! That's awful about the virus. Hope you get it fixed soon. Your flowers are so pretty!
Happyone said…
Another good reason to get a mac. :-)

Glad to hear you got your camera - you took some beautiful pictures with it!!
People who spread viruses are the bottom scum feeders of the swamps! I cannot stand them!!!
Celticspirit said…
Sorry to hear about your Virus! I can't have AOL cause Russell says it's full of viruses. It sure is a pain in the butt when you can't get online. I hope it's fixed for you soon.

Your new camera takes awesome pictures. What camera did you get? I sure need a new one.
Scarlet said…
That last shot is a beauty!

I've been there with computer viruses that wipe everything out. I hope you get everything fixed soon. You'll be missed if you're not your usual happy self again! ;)
Lori said…
I haven't heard about the CNN Virus before. I'm really sorry to hear about your computer. I don't blame you for being upset.

I sure pray you can get it fixed fast. I need your humor!
awe.. but that butterfly was gorgeous!! take care
Wanda said…
The flowers and butterfly exquisite...the picture of bubba...priceless.

You could pass for Ned Beatty in that one....

So far I'm never had a computer virus...I sure want to keep it that way.

Thank the Lord or laptops.
I'd be mad too. I'm hoping that's not what's wrong with my home laptop. My daugther came downstairs last night and told me the computer shutdown. Good luck getting your problem fixed and I know it won't happen, but I wish they could catch these low-lifes that spread these viruses.
Janice Thomson said…
Love your Bubba pic LOL - oh and the flowers too :) Those trojans are nasty things - hope you can get it fixed soon Greg.
Gosh, I haven't been here in a few days, sorry. :-)

I had to comment on this one because my husband got SEVERAL of those emails in his inbox! I'm SO thankful he didn't open them!

(we've had our share of viruses, too.) Yuck. I just don't understand what kind of person would spend their time WRITING programs to destroy other people's stuff? Ug.

Love your photos!

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