Would you like cheese with that wine?
Class was a little boring as I expected. The problem was my fault though. I need new glasses so I couldn't see the board. There was a computer in front of each of us but something was wrong with my password so the first day I was unable to log on and follow along. Then the second day, I had some big wigs sitting near me so I couldn't do any playing. I had to actually pay attention. Can you believe that?
There were 15 people in this class and several of them complained about everything. This class was supposed to tell us our new job responsibilities but several people did nothing but complain. There was one in particular who asked those "what if" questions and kept trying to stump the instructor. He reminded me of an old George Carlin skit where the Catholic kids were trying to stump the priest. They were talking about how in the Catholic faith, it is a sin not to go to confession each week. George's question was: What if you were on a ship out in the ocean? And today was your last chance to confess otherwise it would be a sin. And just as you are about to go into confession, you cross the international dateline and the day springs forward and you miss confession. Is that still a sin? The priest of course replies: I think God understands.
I tell you, this guy was being a pain in the you know what and the instructors and most of the people in the class were getting tired of his comments. It only took me about 10 minutes to decide I didn't like him. By the end of day two, everyone was annoyed.
This morning, they started with a recap of yesterdays information and asked if anyone had any questions. I spoke up and not only asked an well thought out question but made a wonderful point. That's when it happened. This guy (the anoying one) follows my comment up with "That's what I am talking about" I wanted to say: Not only did you not talk about this but I don't want you siding with me. Don't worry, I didn't. I hate when people do that. I make a great comment and some fool tries to ride my shirt tail to glory.
This guy did nothing but complain all day. So for that I award him Greg's big cheese award. Here you go bubba, enjoy some cheese with that wine.

By the way, I am working on another post which will fall right in with this one.
Have a great day,
Good on ya, for not decking him!
Hang in there, Greg!
Very entertaining post. I love the cheese award; I just hope I don't ever get one.
I would love to video tape someone who is constantly complaining like that and let them watch it later. *shrink* They probably don't even know what they sound like!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. It was a pleasure to "meet" you!
I can't wait 'til you're done with that annoying class...although I like the humor it brings out in you. :)