Does this ever happen to you?

"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought,cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." ~ Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles


Here I sit with so much to say that I don’t know where to start so I just don’t say anything. That does happen to me a lot. My mind will be so full of unorganized ideas and I feel like they need to be let out but I just don’t know where to begin. But then that is where blogging comes in. Lately I have found that the best way to start is just to go ahead and do it. I begin by writing down my thoughts and once I start they all begin to pour out and before I know it, I have cleared my brain. Once I have most of my ideas down on paper, I then go back and weed out the bad ideas, doctor some of them and add a few more and end up with something crazy. Sometimes my brain needs lots of weeding. Sometimes it could use some herbicide.

Wow after weeding there aren't many plants left. There really isn’t much to write about today. I do have one little item. About two years ago, I got a notice from my bank that said we needed flood insurance on my house. The notice was actually from some flood insurance assessment company in Texas. I called them to get some clarification because I don’t live on the water and my property is quite high in the area where my house is. It just didn’t make any sense. So I got through to some lady who looked at our plat and told me that the ditch behind our property is a flood boundary zone and because of that I need to have flood insurance. What this means is because this drainage ditch goes into a small creek which turns into a river which eventually ends up in the ocean, and because my house is located somewhere on said property which connects to said ditch and from Texas one can’t determine if the house could be flooded, I have to have flood insurance.

Well my next question to this nice lady was “Have you ever been to Wadmalaw Island?” She said “No, what does that have to do with anything?” I said “lots since you are telling me that I have to have flood insurance”. Then she started getting defensive and said that she could only go by the plat which doesn’t tell her enough to make a more definitive determination. I said “My point exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.” I ended up having to get flood insurance even though my house is higher than most houses in the Charleston area.

Well fast forward to the present. Can anyone guess where this insurance company is located that told me I had to have flood insurance? Galveston TX. Maybe I should call and ask them if they had flood insurance. It wouldn’t matter though if they did. The regular insurance companies are now fighting with the flood insurance companies. You see with the houses completely gone, no one can determine if it was wind or floods that destroyed the houses so no one wants to pay. I am so glad I got that flood insurance. I feel so secure now.

Have a great day,


Brooke said…
I often get writer’s block for that same reason…my mind “Rambles on” more then my mouth can spit out the words or my fingers can type out my thoughts. I can totally relate to your post!
Marjie said…
I live on top of a hill, at the highest point in our little town. In June of 06 we had a foot of rain in under a day, and hubby & I were joking about renting tent space on the lawn to passersby. Once we had water in the basement; think the insurance company would want flood insurance for that?
We lived in South Texas our whole lives up until 6 years ago; we had flood plains EVERYWHERE.

As a matter of fact, I actually grew up on the gulf coast, so flooding and hurricanes are definitely a part of my past.

I feel terrible for all those who lost everything in Galveston, but I can't understand why the insurance companies don't have it together better than that! They ought to know better.
Jeannie said…
I'm pretty sure flood insurance is included in our policy. Even though is is unlikely that we would require it. The premium is probably really low - but then you just never know when that unusual deluge will come and mess up the basement.
Janice Thomson said…
Insurance companies are such huge scammers. Dad decided to get hail insurance because we were losing money on the farm from the crops getting hailed out. The year we had insurance we had a terrible hailstorm - even cracked the glass on the vehicles, broke all the house windows on one side and even killed a rooster - they were golf ball size. Did the companies pay? Darn little because in the small print somewhere was: 1) an 'act of God' as they called it, is not covered completely, and 2) the field has to be completely flat - if even a small section is still standing, no insurance. Uh huh...sounds like a good scam to me.
Lori said…
I'll be honest, I really don't like insurance company's one little bit. They always seem to only pay half of what something is worth. I have always felt like I have to fight them to get anything fixed at all.

No a good topic for me as you can see.
Lori said…
Greg, we are lucky you always have a lot to say! (Me, I have constant writer's block and usually have trouble coming up with just a few sentences on my blog.) Hopefully you'll never need the flood insurance!
Patience said…
Well, at least you're covered if that ditch ever decides to make it into your house.
I don't even want to go there with flood insurance...but I get your drift when I have so much to say especially when I'm angry...

Thanks for the banana hint!
Scarlet said…
Flood and's that season again, and I still can't figure out how the insurance business works.

Btw, I don't think I've ever had writer's block. Maybe because I'm not a writer. :)
Angie said…
"Sometimes my brain needs lots of weeding. Sometimes it could use some herbicide."

Only Gardener Greg could come up with those lines. You're so cute.
sandy said…
How ironic that they are in Galveston.

So many times I can't think of a thing to blog about and it shows however, you always come up with great stories...
Jamie Dawn said…
Those insurance companies should just divide up the costs instead of battling it out for eternity. How would they ever know what damage was cause by wind and what damage was caused by water???
It would be hilarious to find that the company that demanded that you have flood insurance did not have it themselves.
At least you can sleep soundly knowing that you purchased flood insurance that you will not need.
If you have any other money you'd like to simply get rid of, you can mail it to me or just burn it for fun.
ChrisJ said…
Re insurance companies fighting over who is responsible --Typical!!
Monogram Queen said…
Yah, those ditches can be dangerous - or haven't you heard? *snort*

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