Tiny creatures

I still haven't mastered my new camera but I keep trying. Today I tried to zoom in but as you can see I got too close and things were out of focus. I also tried all day to catch our little hummingbird but every time I got the camera out he flew away. I think he may be smarter than I give him credit for. Anyway, we had a lovely day and here are the pictures.

This is a praying mantis. I guess he knew it was Sunday because he kept praying.

This is a ginger plant that my sister gave me. I don't know what kind it is though. So I just say it is Ginger and not Mary Ann.

I wish i had gottem a better shot of this grasshopper. He was on a banana tree and his colors were wonderful, Again I got too close to get a good shot.

You need to enlarge this picture to see what is going on. This young cardinal was begging his mother for food. He is way too old to do this but I guess if she keeps feeing him he will never stop.

This is one of the benches like I made for the new school in Charleston. As you can see Tigger Tiger likes it.


You MADE that bench? You rock! Love the other pix too. I am also "forcing" myself not to get to close to small objects, when I photograph them.
Wanda said…
Great shots Greg...

I love the bench and Tiger.

Can't wait to get my camera back.... soon, but not yet.
Scarlet said…
Beautiful bench! For someone who hasn't mastered his new camera yet, wow! You take wonderful pics with it! I love those birds...and yes, you must click to enlarge to appreciate it fully.

I love the Ginger/Mary Ann comment and the Praying Mantis praying on Sunday. Very cute. ;)
Your bench is awesome! I want one ;)

I was wondering, does your camera have a macro feature? Most new point and shoots do......it would allow you to get closer shots.....
Lori said…
Your pictures are great. Good job on the bench! I love it.

It looks like you must have had a nice relazing weekend. I need to slow down and take more time to see the beauty. I did enjoying seeing it through your lense.

Lori said…
I think you are doing very well with your new camera. I've had mine a while and I still don't know how to use all of the features. These are some lovely shots. I especially like the baby cardinal with his mother. Your bench is fantastic too!
Janice Thomson said…
Isn't it neat Greg figuring out the best settings? You're doing great so far! It took me two weeks of steady shooting to find the right settings for spider webs - sometimes they glimmer in the sunlight so beautifully it takes one's breath away - but just try and get that on a camera LOL
Love your bench and kitty photo!
You seem to be doing a great job with your camera. You amaze me everytine I read your blog. You made the bench for a school? Wow you are a kind and generous person.
Brooke said…
Wow Greg! I could use 2 of those benches for my patio. I've been looking for something like that. They are beautiful! You are so talented! The pictures are real nice and close up, they are even better!
sandy said…
OHhh nice bench, I'll order about four from you. Love it.
Monogram Queen said…
I love your kitty! You'll have to look at my Wednesday post and see my grasshopper pics (2). My first attempt.
You're brave to attempt a hummingbird. My old eyes can barely keep up with them!

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