It doesn't get any better than this.

I have to say that today was as close to perfect as anyone could want. I had my doubts about today after yesterday. I took the day off on Friday and my wife and I went fishing. We had to take the smaller boat because our bigger boat had some steering problems. As soon as we went to take off though we knew something was wrong and we were only able to idle down the river. Later we found out that the gas we bought a few weeks ago during the big gas scare was half water. But that is water under the bridge. Despite the problems I thanked God that we had a day together and we did catch some fish.

Today started out good and it just kept getting better. I woke up early so I decided to go ahead and leave for the market. The weather was cool and clear. I think it was about 58 deg F. As I said, just about perfect. About 8:00, people started showing up. Lots of people. I have never seen so many people at the market. I asked around and found out that it was parent day at the College of Charleston. That college is only a block from the market so everyone came down there to spend the day. Two things were going for me. Parents were in town with nothing to do so they bought wine because it was something local. I sold out of the wine. Most of these parents had visited their children's dorm room and saw that they were bare so they bought plants to go in them. It was a win win situation for me. I was however working by myself because my son was working at the winery. St. Johns Episcopal church was having their annual picnic and he was there helping out and also watching his plant stand.

When I got to the winery, the picnic was in full swing so I just did what I could to help out, We all had a great time and my son did quite well at his plant stand, So let me leave you with some photo' s and a video of the gospel band.
This picture I took at the market. This guy had a Fox for a pet. I didn't know this was legal but he had it.

The food at the picnic was great. They had BBQ and all the trimmings. I think I gained 10 lbs. The girl walking on the left under the deer head is an author and she writes religious children's books. I may do a giveaway one day and give away some of her books. Her name is Judy Brantley.

These are some people eating out by the vineyard

Check out these deserts.

This is my son Gregory. See how tall he is. He is only 16 and he is 6ft 4" tall.

These are some of our cut flowers.

They had some of these books that they were giving away. Some of them looked interesting.

Ok this was the band' name.

And finally, here is the band. Sorry I missed the first part of the song.

Have a blessed Sunday,



Kim S in SC said…
YOur picture tour and descriptions were the next best thing to being there. IT was a beautiful day here in the midlands too! Love that book, Love and Respect that you have in one of your pics. Have a great SUnday. I'm off to church!
Scarlet said…
First of all, I LOVE the fox pic. Adorable.

It looks like you had a fantastic day. Success and fun! You captured all the great moments. I'm glad you were able to enjoy all that yummy food and great music.

Btw, Love & Respect is a fantastic book for couples to read and understand each other better...not that it worked for me. :) (Just taught me a lot!)
Cherdecor said…
That music was foot stomping good!
It just made me happy!
You did have a wonderful day. I enjoyed the tour of the market, I felt like I was there.
Angie said…
Yep, kinda felt like I was there with you. When I get my act together I'll post a little on my wkend. It was a great one for me too.
Skoots1moM said…
i haven't been fishing in forever...i used to fish with my daddy when i was little (we'd bank fish for's when i learned about jigs)
what were you catching?

the market would have been fun on Saturday...i did laundry, woo hoo!

We'll begin visiting colleges soon...our one-and-only is a junior, so we're doing all the scholarship searches and visiting the websites to decide where we will be visiting. It's time consuming.

I know you sold out of wine but what is the name of your "best selling"? I also love to cook with different wines, it so enhances and deepens the flavors of dishes.

These kids are getting bigger and bigger...we have a friend whose son is 6'4", so i have to almost look straight up to talk with him...i'm 5'4"...he's studying at GA TECH and very busy

it was fun visiting charleston today
Kristen said…
Another day with wine, bluegrass, and BBQ? You are killing me! I have got to make a trip down there.

So glad you had a great day and even had some fishing time with your wife. Happy Monday!
Susan Skitt said…
Wow Greg, what a great documentation of the day. I can't believe it about that fox as a pet - wow! And I had to laugh about the mom in the band holding her little girl. Many times when I had to sing or do something with music at church, I was balancing a kid on my hip. They always seem to want Mommy at that point!
Wanda said…
Oh my Greg, felt like I was there!! They did a great job on their bluegrass.

The fox picture so cute, and all the other pictures gave us such a sense of your Great Day!!

Kelly said…
What a great day! When you were videoing the band and suddenly swung left, at first I thought you'd been sampling at the winery and fell over. I was happy to note you were just panning the crowd. LOL!!!!

Glad you had a wonderful day!
Kim said…
Sounds like a wonderful weekend!!! Love the book selections as well! Love & Respect, and the 5 Love Languages...great books!

Though I'm really not a bluegrass fan, I AM a fan of good wine and fall weekends! :)

sandy said…
Loved seeing the pics and your tall son. I have a few of those tall guys too, my oldest wears
16 shoe...big guy.

Wow, what a cool photo of the fox. I wonder what kind of pet they make.
sara said…
looks like a wonderful weekend! That fox is so cute, I don't think I have ever seen one up close. Was it friendly?
Awwwww.....what a cute fox!!!!
Brooke said…
What a cute fox! What a fun day. I loved all of the treats on the table. I love your market pictures. I felt like I was there. Thanks Greg!
Monogram Queen said…
Your boy is so handsome :)

Parents day at C of C... you didn't see Brett or Deanna Favre did you?!!!

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