Keeping it positive

I pondered this morning over whether or not to post my latest creation but after giving it some thought I decided against it. I read it over and even though it was written in a lite forum, the subject was negative. I know I need to be more positive on my blog so I deleted it. I used to have a neighbor who was always positive. No matter what happened in her life, Wilma always had a smile on her face and was glad to see me. She has since passed away but I still think about her from time to time.

I remember one day when she called me and asked if I could come over because her sink was broken. Now at the time, I believe she was in her 70's. When I got there she explained that the drain came loose under her sink and she just wanted to borrow my pipe wrench so she could fix it herself. I laughed and told her I would do it even though she kept insisting. After I finished, she tried to stuff some money in my pocket but I wouldn't take it. There were many such incidents and always she tried to get me to take money and when I wouldn't she just said "bless you". She didn't have much money and it was my pleasure to help her out.

My fondest memory of Wilma didn't have anything to do with plumbing repairs. It was late one rainy afternoon and she called to say that there was a strange dog in her house and she needed me to help her get out. As she explained, she heard something on her porch and she opened the door to see what it was. Just as she opened her door a clap of thunder went off and this dog ran inside to escape the storm. I was a little aggravated because she certainly didn't need my help to get a little dog to leave but I went over anyway. When I got there she told me it was hiding in her bedroom so I went down the hall and opened the door. I was expecting to see a Little poodle or a shi tzu or something like that but instead I found myself staring at a fill sized German Shepard. I didn't know whether to run or freeze so I slowly closed the door to regain my composure.

After giving it some thought, I got Wilma to get me some scraps from the refrigerator and we coaxed him outside. Once he was out he headed for his home. I told Wilma, next time let me know if it is a big dog. We both laughed.

Have a great one,


sandy said…
Fun reading this about Wilma. You do have such good stories to relate.

I would love to have a coffee with you and your wife some day and hear more of your stories.

I really really like that banner...can't figure out how you did it, but it is cool.
Janice Thomson said…
Oh wow - love your new look Greg!
Wilma sounds like a wonderful lady to have as a neighbor.
Kelly said…
I think many of us have had a "Wilma" in our lives. I've had two. My hope is that some day I will be a Wilma to someone else.

Thanks for the positive story!
Jacki said…
What a great story! Thank you!
Scarlet said…
Smart thinking with the German Shephard. I was attacked by one when I was 6 and I still have the scar on my face to prove it. BTW, that's where SCARlet came from...not because of the red hair but because of the scar.

Sounds better than Scarface, doesn't it? :)

One last thing, Wilma sounds like my kinda person. There should be more Wilmas in the world who choose to look on the bright side of things.
Celticspirit said…
That was very nice of you to help out Wilma. She sounds like a lovely person.
Becky said…
My dog did that to one of our neighbors too.

Wilma sounds so sweet and even sweeter of you to adopt her. When I lived at home my mom and I would adopt a few older ladies and do nice things for them. Mostly we just visited and talked.
ChrisJ said…
I am a realist. Definitely down to earth realist. Don't give me sugary sentiment. (I'm speaking in general.) One of the funniest comments I remember that was made to me by a neighbor who had young children the same age as mine, was, as she brushed back a wisp of hair from her harried looking face: "I am just SO exhausted trying to stay positive with my children today." (Well, I thought it was funny!)
I will try this again, I just typed a comment to you and it disappered when I went to send it! Computers!

I love the Wilma's in our lives, I had a Wilma and I miss her!
What wonderful stories and I am glad you thought of Wilma - she made your negativeity go elsewhere for a while.
Renie Burghardt said…
Came over from Sandy's blog, since she said such nice things about your blog. I enjoyed the story you shared here about Wilma. You were kind to help her. Good deeds are always repaied in life with blessings.

All the best,

Shelley said…
Oh this made me laugh!! Cute story about Wilma. We should all have a sweet old lady in our lives.
marine's words said…
thank you for sharing that stroy I really enjoy it,

I can also relate I have had a few Wilma in my life ( but I just think the want someone to come over and make company "), marina
haha, She just wanted to keep you on your toes!
Angel said…
HA! I love the new look're so creative.
Susan Skitt said…
Wow Greg, you drew me right in. I felt like I knew Wilma. What a treasure of a lady!

And about that dog - wow!!!
That's hilarious; I would have called you too, if there had been a strange German Shepard in my house.

Love the new banner. Love it!
Wanda said…
Don't you know we would all love to be Wilma's and to have a neighbor like you!!

What a great story, and you are the best story teller.

German Shepherd...ha ha ha ha.
Greg, I have something on my blog for you!
Lori said…
I have no idea how you come up with your posts. I have just been drawing a blank latly.

Great new look!
Jamie Dawn said…
Wilma is my MIL's name, and my dearly departed FIL was named Fred.
Yep, Wilma and Fred.


Cute story. No wonder Wilma couldn't get that dog out of her house. Even YOU were scared when you saw him!! Food did the trick though.
Monogram Queen said…
Wow Greg you really do deserve the Good Neighbor Award!!!!!

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