Caught off guard.

We are having unusually cold weather for this time of year. It really caught me off guard. Usually we don' t get this cold until January or February. Normally we spend a lot of time in November and December gathering wood for our two wood stoves. We have one in our house and one in the greenhouse. We also supply a lot of wood for my mother in law who heats her house with a wood stove. The reason we wait until this time of year (other than me being a procrastinator) is that the cool weather gets rid of snakes and spiders and makes it easier to work.

This year, the cold just kind of slipped in and was upon us before we knew it. One day it was warm and the next it was cold. It was cold at the market yesterday too but I was prepared for it. I wore my long underwear and brought along a heavy coat. I also didn't bring very much stuff because I knew the crowd would be sparse because of the cold. It was a good thing I packed light too because I was hit with another obstacle when I arrived. It seems there was a festival the night before and some of the setup equipment was left behind. They had to move me to another location but it was not a big deal since I had so little stuff.

Even though it was an inconvenience to move, I didn't complain. I just went where they told me to and made the best of it. Several other people that had to move did nothing but complain. In the end I sold just as much in this location as I did in the other location. When I went to leave at the end of the day, the director stopped me and thanked me for not complaining. It seems I was the only one who accepted the change without complaining. Because I was in a new location, I got to meet several new people who I normally wouldn't see or talk to. See there was a positive side to this.

The day started out a little slow though because it was 32 degrees. I used the slow time to walk around and meet some of the people in the area. I did a little window shopping too. I wasn't there to buy anything so I just looked. One of the booths had some nice paintings. I noticed that there weren't any prices on his art though. Do you know that saying "If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it?" Well it is true at the market. If the prices aren't on the items, chances are they are expensive. If you have to ask, don't bother asking. Good advice for many things in life.

They changed the service time on me today. Caught off guard yet again. I hate getting caught off guard. I forgot about the change so we will just be spending the day together at home. Good thing I made that nice warm fire. If only I could get warnings or advance notice for things like this I wouldn't get caught off guard again.

This morning I was reading Matthew 25 about the coming of the Son of man. Lots of people are worried about this. People are worried because there is no tag that says "this is it, the end is near" The Bible says "you will know without a doubt. Just like asking what the price was for those expensive items, if you have to ask, you already know the answer...... This isn't it. He isn't going to slip in and just be here. It will be so spectacular that we will know. There will be no doubt.

I do want to be ready though. He will come when we least expect it and without warning. Like a thief in the night. I am sure if we knew the exact moment He would arrive everyone would be ready. But we don't so we better get ready now. Tomorrow may be too late. Now I have to go out into the cold and chop some wood. I wasn't ready but I am getting there. And as for chopping wood on Sunday........ Didn't someone say; If your mule is in the ditch, get him out? I wish I could remember where I read that.

Have a great Sunday,



Maybe Jesus will come back before you have to chop that wood - wouldn't that be nice. Until then - stay warm. . .
Kelly said…
I just loved how you slipped right into your bible story today! It was awesome. We are studying that same chapter (matt 24/25) at church this month. We don't know the hour and yes, we can be caught off guard. That is why it is so important to accept Jesus today. Tomorrow could be too late!
Scarlet said…
I love how you make the best out of all situations. I've learned to roll with the changes myself, and in doing so (with a positive attitude), I've had some wonderful, new experiences.

All this talk about Jesus lately. It's a great thing. I need to whip out that Bible again!!

Thanks for your positive comments on my latest post, btw. I needed that! :)
I love it when God points Himself and His Truth out in the everyday things.

Way to go that you were listening! That's probably why you weren't complaining. :-)
Wanda said…
People who don't complain are happy contented people and make everyone's lives around them better... You are one of those special people Greg....

Jesus told the story of the mule in the ditch...I'll look up the verse later.

Gwendolyn said…
I don't know how He could come back when I least expect it, 'cause I tell Him every day that today would be just great! Maybe it will be the one day I forget. LOL

Oh, and the cold weather snuck up on us, too! We are in Georgia, and we keep walking outside without jackets and then we stand around looking at each other all confused. Sometimes I think we are all a bit slow. :o)
Sharon said…
We just don't know, And there are so many people we have to reach, Because tomorrow may be to late!

You better get busy on that wood my friend it's getting colder!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Be Blessed
Lori said…
You always make the best of things and find a lesson in most situations. You have a gift for that! I think waiting till the snakes and spiders are gone before chopping wood is a very smart idea. At least the cold has chased them away! :)
Monogram Queen said…
Yes we did get a quick cold snap. We even nixed the James Island Festival of Lights until we get a little warmer (hopefully) weather.

I almost came down to the Market but was too intimidated to come alone. Y'all are open til like Dec 20th right?
My ADHD Me said…
It seems to have gotten cold overnight here in Virginia too. We also use a wood stove to heat our house. It cut our winter electric bill in half, at least.
Hauling, splitting and chopping firewood is a huge job but it makes me feels invigorated when I'm done so I really don't mind. I just can't do it for hours at a time like husband and my son do.

I'm with you on change. I love change. It is always interesting to see things from a different view. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, but always interesting.
You're such a easy going nice guy. More people should follow your lead and look at the positive side.
SeansArt said…
tough luck greg, I'm sad for you. it was harder at home than at work.
Edie said…
All I can say is I'm glad I don't have to chop wood. LOL.

I'm SO looking forward to seeing my King, any day would be just fine with me. :)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I heard it was unusually cold in SC. Maybe this will be the year to see real snow.
We got hit with ice last night. Yuck!!!
My ADHD Me said…
Speaking of cold weather....My completely non-professional opinion is that this year is going to be THE year for snow and sleet.

I've never seen as many nut shells in the yard from the squirrels storing up for the winter.

People laugh at southerners because everything shuts down when it snows, but they forget that we don't have the road clearing equipment that they have up north. Also our temps usually rise and fall right around 32 degrees. A half an inch of ice is much more dangerous to drive on than a foot of snow.

OK, I'm stepping down off of my soapbox.
My ADHD Me said…
We were speaking about cold weather, weren't we...?

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