Tis the season

Yes it's the season for The Super Spectacular Christmas Edition of:

"I See What You're Saying"

Please watch the following non-paid, non-solicited, non political advertisement.

For more information, please visit Linda's blog by clicking here. Even if you aren't participating in the video event, check out her blog, it is a hoot. And make sure and tell her you heard it here first. Just in case she hits the lottery and has some extra cash to give away, I want to be on her "nice" list this Christmas.

Also I have been tagged by Edie so stand by for some exciting facts about ME. I know you can't wait. :) I will post the results in a day or two.

Have a great Sunday,



Okay!! You are making the rest of us look bad!!! Are you trying to get brownie points from Linda by doing your video a month early?? NO FAIR!!! And not just any video, a promo video!! Ugghh! I am going to have to go fishing for brownie points!

Christmas shopping done. I See What You're Saying video, done. what else do you have done????????

I'm jealous!
Kelly said…
You forgot to say NO NEIL DIAMOND. I'm pretty sure that was a rule too. LOL!

Great video. AND I did my video (last time) in just 2 takes, and it was ADHD-Me's fault, as she couldn't get the camara to work the first time.

We're both doing it again this time, and may do a video together.
My ADHD Me said…
I'm on my son's computer now which has no sound. I'll have to come back later and watch your trailor...or is that traylor...hhmmmm.
Kelly said…
Me again. Regarding your comment on my blog.

Proverbs 27:17 - -
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

...or woman as the case may be. Keep sharpening! :-)
OHMYGOSH! How awesome can you be?? Thank you so much for doing this. This vid is going to pre-empt or at least lead off my post tomorrow. I am grinning ear to ear, and while I don't play the lottery, I could possibly pay you in gingerbread parts, which I am swimming in! Thanks Greg!
Oh yes, Kelly is right-NO NEIL! Haha
Smelling Coffee said…
I'm hoping and planning to do this, & am excited about it. Good job on your video. Can't imagine how many takes I'll end up with. :-)
Edie said…
Very nice video advertisement. I didn't have the equipment to participate last time but I just bought a new camera so I might participate this time. Oh dear, if it takes that many takes when you are familiar with the equipment, I wonder ... yikes!
Scarlet said…
I'll have to check it out, Greg. Thanks for sharing. You know I love pics, videos and writing as much as you do...so I may just join you on the 30th. :)
I really enjoyed that - it's a nice way to get to know you a little better, see your personality. I'll be coming around on the 30th for sure!
My ADHD Me said…
OK, now I have sound so I could listen to your video and "see what you were saying".
Looking forward to the 30th.
We'll be there.
(you must have been nervous....you are a wiggle worm...haha)
Lori said…
How cool! We got to see you in person! You could be a TV news anchor. That's a great video. I'm going to check out Linda's site. I don't know what I could do a video of though. It will be fun to see the others!
marine's words said…
wow!! every well done !! that was a really good video can you do mine LOL!!!! have a nice day. marina
Hi Greg,

I love your blog home, the picture of you with the fish is GREAT!! How fun!

This sounds and looks like a fun thing to try. I have the camera but don't know how to get the video's onto my computer, maybe Chatty kelly will help me!

Thanks for the comment on my blog this morning. It's nice to meet you!

Anonymous said…
She should have paid you. :)
sara said…
Great video....hold out for a kick back!!! :) It took me 5 takes last time, so I better start early too!

And is your Christmas shopping really DONE?
Beverlydru said…
Great job. Next time I could use a tour of the greenhouse. I want one of those!!
Whew, you made me think I missed it at first! lol How fun...I'm in and I can't wait to see everybody else's vlogs too!
Monogram Queen said…
Ha haaaa if she hits the lottery you definitely want to be remembered! Heck I want to be her new best friend!
Angie said…
You're a good sport. Thanks for turning me on to her blog. She's a hoot!

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