And the winner is...........

Drum roll please. Wait wait wait, hold the drum roll, this is a simple Chirstmas drawing and I don't want anyone expecting a new car or boat or anything like that. Let me remind you that the grand prize is "hand made." I may toss in a little something else but it will be a modest prize but a fun one neverless.

Ok I didn't have a number generator or anything like that so I put the 10 names on pieces of paper and drew the winner out of a bag. Hey it worked. So without further ado, the winner of the grand prize super duper fun Christmas prize is.......

Beverly over at Dancing with Daffodils.

And now for the really good news. I have volenteered for "two" pay forward gift giving thingies so everyone who entered gets a prize. I simply love giving. This includes: Kelly, Beverly, Edie, Scarlet, Katherin, Patrice, Monogram Queen, Marla, Daphine, and last but certainly not least, Angie. The order that the names are listed are the order in which you commented on my blog post. I didn't play favorites, I assure you. So if you would like a small present. (it's kind of silly) Just email me your address to Better hurry because the post office is getting slow already. And should you not want to be included in the second prize, just email me and tell me that too. I won't give away the fact that you are a party pooper.

Oh and don't worry, I am happily married and NOT, I repeat NOT a stalker so don't be afraid to give me your address. I haven't stalked anyone in almost a year now. Just kidding, I have never stalked anyone. Well I was never convicted, just kidding again. I don't do that kind of thing. I am too busy making Christmas crafts. So what are you waiting for? Christmas is just around the corner.

Have a great day,


Beverlydru said…
Make my Monday morning!!! I know it's not a car or a boat but I'm easily entertained. Thanks. I'll email my address.
Scarlet said…
Congrats to Beverly!

I won't participate in the pay it forward game again, but if you want to make me a handmade craft... ;)

Put me in the drawing for the craft, please!
My ADHD Me said…
Ha. I said the same thing in my blog about not being a stalker way back when I had a give away.

I missed out on almost all the give away contests last week. Couldn't get enough computer time to read many blogs. My loss. That's ok though, I'll get to see Chatty kelly's.

Have a Great Day!!
Kelly said…
I'm glad to send you my address... I did mention that my husband is a Army Ranger and gun enthusiast, right? LOL!

Of course you listed us in your favorites order, I was first! Silly man.

Congrats Beverly!
Monogram Queen said…
I just emailed you mine. Congrats to your winner! It's so nice to win things and get mail! Whoo hoo!
Yeah, what am I waiting for!

I never told you, my rain lily bloomed one time after we planted the bulbs. It was very pretty.
Lori said…
Your stalker comment made me laugh! Congrats to Beverly on her win. I'm sure you are making her a nice prize!
Oh I am so excited!! My BFF is sending me something!!

You made me laugh about the stalker thing!! Hey our homefront has been boring, so stalk son has been begging for new targets for target practice!! He he!!

I am off to send you my address, I can't wait to see what it is!!

Marjie said…
I'm so happy to know that you've given up stalking LOL. Happy Christmas crafting.
Becky said…
If I would have known you were giving away a car or boat I would have entered! Oh, your not? Oh well then. :-)

Congrats Beverly! I hope we all get to see a pic of Greg's crafty Christmas items.
Marla said…
Yea, I will be happy to send you my address. I'm not afraid of stalkers, well I gues I have never had one. This was a nice suprise, just getting home from work!
B His Girl said…
How fun to do a handmade gift if you can make something turn out to be what you intended ;) I love to give also. Give and it shall be given to you...
I am so glad you know what to give Jesus for His Birthday. A mission trip sounds like a special gift. Can I ask the location of the mission field you are considering?
Edie said…
Oh Yay! How kind you are. I'm on my way to email you. Thanks!

Oh, and congratulations to Beverly!
Edie said…
I thought you said you did Christmas stalkings every year. :D
Congrats Beverly! Send mine to someone you may know that is needy and a gift - thanks for the thought Greg.
Daphine said…
Wow! Thanks! This has made my day! I'll email my address asap!

Have a great day!
Heaven said…
okay, off your forces. It looks like I made it just in time:) I'm checking in for real.

I still haven't gotten my computer fixed, so I can only check things when I visit my brother, and that doesn't come around too often:(

Boy, do I have a lot to write when I get back online. Already collecting notebooks full....LOL
THanks for checking in! Heaven

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