Call off the dogs

Good news everyone. I panicked for nothing. It looks like all that got blocked were web sites which involved streaming and those who frequently posted videos. From what we could figure out, we now can't listen to radio stations via the Internet and we can't go to sites like YouTube. So far the only way that it affects me is if you attach a YouTube video to your blog, I will have to wait until the evening to see it. I can live with that. The radio part is a little aggravating because the power plants are usually in remote locations and radio reception via normal methods is poor.

In other news, my wife and I have decided to give up the Real Estate business. With the state of the economy, doing that part time just doesn't work. When things were booming, we got frequent client inquires but now we seldom get any. Unless you have the time to go out searching, chances are that you won't get any business. I have no regrets though. I worked for two really great Brokers who just happen to be married to each other and learned a lot from each of them. I did work for one not so great Broker as well but as the saying goes; Two out of three ain't bad.

Last night my wife and I went to a Christmas party at their house (the great brokers) and we had a great time. I really like both of them and have always felt like they were family. Last night we found out that in fact we are related by marriage. You see my wife's brother's wife's father's brother's wife is somehow related to this woman. I tell you we are almost brother and sister. Anyway, I am sure we will remain in contact because my wife plays tennis with her and we also go to the same Church.

The only down side I found to the real estate business at least for me was that I discovered that many people put real estate agents down there with lawyers. On many occasions when I was having conversations with a friend or an acquaintance, they brought up that they were interested in buying or selling real estate. I would respond with "Well I am an agent and would be glad to help you out if you like". After saying that, one of two things happened. Most often, they would ask for a card and say that they would call me but you know, none of them every did. In fact if I brought it up again or called them they seemed offended and would have some kind of excuse why they had to use someone else. The second response I got was immediate "Run for your life....It's a blood sucking real estate agent". I lost several friends this way.

So in the long run, I think it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe people like us the way we are and even though I feel people like us, they just don't want to cross that line from friendship to business. After giving it a lot of thought and at the suggestion of the pastor at our church, we decided that we should let it go. No he didn't tell us personally to give it up but he did talk about being satisfied with where you are and giving up that worship of money. He made a lot of sense and I know that we were getting caught up in the money craze. Things have already started to simplify and I feel that this year we will be even better off.

Have a blessed day. Only two shopping days until Christmas.


Sharon said…
A decision like that one is hard to make but it sounds like you and your wife are making the right one, especially considering the times.

Have a very Merry Christmas!
Kelly said…
Well, I think if you are listening to biblical advice - that is an awesome place to be. God will bless your obedience.

I hope you & yours have a great Christmas! I am posting again on Wednesday (a video - so you might have to watch it at home!) and then I'm taking Friday off.

So if I don't chat with you again before - MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

And thanks again for the cutie Christmas stuff.
ChrisJ said…
I think real estate agents are just fine. When I was principal of a small Christian school, many of the mothers were in real estate, just to be able to pay school fees. It's sad how things are with housing today. But still,like you, I do think simpler is better. The Lord will bless you for trying to do the right thing -- it's when we just barge ahead without Him, that things get complicated.
Connie Pombo said…
Good for you Greg!!!

I have four goals this New Year: Simplify, create more joy, de-stress, and invest in relationships.

I've already let a lot go and more is to come. I received a book contract and will be writing more (like today!), and I have some Chicken Soup stories coming out which will be fun to speak on. I also joined forces with an author friend, who shares my view on life (what a gift!).

And I changed the way I view relationships...each one comes into my life for a purpose so I cherish each encounter as a gift from God.

Have a blessed Christmas (I'm not blogging this week, so I have a chance to catch up on everyone else's blog!).
It had to be a tough decision to make. I think with the economy, people are going to want to live simpler and not get caught up in keeping up with the Joneses like we all have in the past. Tough habits to break, I know; but I think we will be happier. Merry Christmas.
Please don't remind me (only two shopping days left)! But I think I am almost done only two gift cards left to buy :)
My husband just gave up his real estate business too. He was also doing in part time so, here at least, all the association and office fees were more than he was likely to make with the way things are going.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas full of blessings.
Susan Skitt said…
I enjoy reading your posts, Greg. It's like chatting with a friend while having a cup of coffee, (or in my case hot chocolate). I pray that God will continue to meet your family's needs :) He will - He promises that! Take care and have a wonderful Christmas!
sandy said…
That's a big decision. Hope it works out well for you and you prosper in the coming year!

I could have used you next year if we sell. Of course in the market today who knows if that will happen.
Monogram Queen said…
I'm back-reading so i'll say i'm very glad you are still able to blog and I didn't know you were an agent (but I would never hold it against you either!)

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