Friday Bits and Pieces

You know you made it, when you can get fired and they keep paying you a salary. I doubt I will ever make it if that is the measure of success. Most of us just want to keep getting paid when we are working. I can't imagine getting paid for not working.

It’s official. We are in a recession. I heard it this morning. I expected cutbacks but not this. Girl Scouts of American has decided to cut back. The boxes will be the same size but when you open your Girl Scout Cookies, you can expect to see more spacers and fewer cookies. The good news is that the price should be the same as last year.

I just heard this, not one minute ago. There is a play here in Charleston tonight. It’s Show White and the 7 Dwarfs. But here is the kicker. Don’t bring the kids to see it. It’s an adult version of the play. I don’t even want to think about what this could be. I can see some couple bringing their little darling to see this “children’s” play and having to rush them out because of adult content. What is this world coming to?

*****Weather alert***** Weather alert*****

Possible snow next week in Charleston. Twice within two weeks. I love this global warming. How long is it until spring? My pear tree is in full bloom. Where is that groundhog when you need him? I think my brain is frozen.

I came up with a money making idea that I need your opinion on. “Body part futures.” Think about it. You could get money now for body parts when you die. Now the people investing would be taking a chance that these parts would still be usable when you die but that is why it is called investing. If the parts were still in good shape, they could then sell them and make a killing. Now don’t say no before you give it some serious thought. My job would be to broker these parts and I would only get let’s say 10% off the top. Ok bad idea but at least it is an idea. (see frozen brain comment above) Maybe I can come up with something better in the spring.

Have a great day,


Kim said…
You make me smile. :)

Thanks for the letter! LOL! I'll post later after I get home from work!

Have a BLESSED day!
Body parts depreciate too quickly.

The Snow White thing? One of my biggest pet peeves, when adults pervert innocent ideas.

Global warming is killing us, too, as you have seen.
Monogram Queen said…
Hmmmm on the fence about the snow. Oh what the heck - I can use another snow day or two.

I'm all for freedom of expression but some things you can just leave alone.
Body parts brokering is a bad idea, I know you will come up with a real winner of an idea. Go grab a burger and some onion rings and get back with me after lunch ~evil grin~

Have a wonderful weekend!
Kelly said…
Your idea, while interesting, is in fact illegal. Just so you know.

I'm ready for spring. :-)

Have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
That sound you heard after you typed about less Girl Scout cookies? Was my heart breaking and my waistline rejoicing at the same time.

Why aren't pineapples on your diet? I'm just curious. I used to eat a cup a day on WW and it was only 1 point.
Jamie Dawn said…
I'll donate my feet to this new endeavor of yours. I wonder how much I can get for them?


Snow in Charleston?? Yep, that manmade global warming is really in full force.
Reduce global warming! Kill a cow!

An adult version of Snow White? Lord, help us.
Edie said…
I always enjoy your posts.

I actually saw an add online asking people to sell their body parts the other day. Was that yours!???

The Snow White play is infuriating...

...As is the Girl Scout cookie dilema.

Global warming is now being called climate change so that it doesn't sound as idiodic as it really is.
Skoots1moM said…
i really like snow white...why do they have to "adult" things that are nice? Evil continues o perpetuate more evil, doesn't it...

i'm hoping it will be a fluffy snow and no bad icy stuff...i like have power, even though we do have a generator

have a gr8 weekened...
first of all I am sad about the girl scout cookie shortage and second of all No one and I say No one would want my old body parts :)
I just saw a snow and sand photo the other day. I didn't realize that you all received snow recently. I knew they were getting it further east, but I didn't know it was going 'that' far! Crazy?!?!
Did you see the irony in this statement: "they could then sell them and make a killing."


Lidna..."body parts depreciate too quickly" -- ha ha ha!

And when people take something as innocent as Snow White and make it into perversity for the sake of "art and entertainment," it's a sign of the times, baby.
Carmen said…
Interesting and entertaining post! Agree on the global warming...or the now apparently more correct "climate change" topic (isn't that normal?). The Snow White thing...pretty disgusting. Girl Scout for the rich and famous. As for the body parts...yep...ya lost me there...but hey, don't give up, you're bound to hit it rich one day with out of the box thinking like that!
Gutsy Living said…
I thought you had a good idea. Investing is always risky though.
Wanda said…
Thanks for your Friday Bits and Pieces...

Hate that they would make Snow White R rated... Not nice!!! What is wrong with people?

Thanks for "C" I'll already working on it~~~

SHOOT! I already ordered my girl scout cookies....
Anonymous said…
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Greg C said…
This is really sick: Because I used the words Adul@ in this post along with the two words Childr@n's Pl@y, I got picked up by some search device and got a link to an adul@ web site. It was that last entry so no one click on that name. That tells you what this world is coming to. Be careful what you write on here. I may have to add that word verification to my comment section to block out such things.
Scarlet said…
Your Snow White play reminds me of the Alice in Wonderland play my daughter and I saw last year. Believe it or not, it was all about Alice experimenting with drugs. The message was positive, but it was definitely not meant for kids!

Maybe I've been living in Miami too long, but if I were to agree to donate my body parts, I imagine someone will be out there waiting to kill me for those no thanks, I'll pass.

Have a great weekend, Greg!!
Marla said…
I always loved Snow White, why they have to do an Adult version, well it's sick really. Our snow really melted today, it was 56 degrees today, a heat wave.
sandy said…
hahaha..a broker for body parts...nah...get back in your greenhouse and tend to your plants...that's much more enjoyable, ha.
I am all for snow but if we have any this week I'm going to want a snow DAY off from work!

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