It's a Birds Life

This morning when I went outside it reminded me of a scene from that old horror movie; The Birds. There were literally thousands of birds in our yard. There were blue jays, cardinals, finches, ladder back's and some things that I didn't recognize. However cow birds made up the majority. Well I don't discriminate when it comes to feeding birds so I filled the feeder and let them have at it.

Now you would think that birds would be afraid to come around here because we have cats. However out of the 4 cats that we have, only one likes to get birds and the others are more like this one:

"Please wake me when it is time to eat."

So here are some of the other birds that were in the yard this morning.

"Do you mind. We are trying to eat here."

This cardinal was acting shy. He is in the previous picture but he is hiding.

This is inside my greenhouse. I was going to try to get a picture of the resident Carolina Wren but he too left before I could take the photo.

Yes we have peppers in January. Eat your heart out or should I say eat your stomach linning out. These are supposed to be really hot and I haven't had the guts (nice pun) to try one yet.

This is called Butterfly weed and the Monarchs love it.

We don't have a problem with bugs this time of year but we do have a problem with other plant eaters. These tracks were in my front yard, not 10 feet from my house. Brave little things aren't they.

This pear tree thinks it is spring. It looks like the freeze last night didn't hurt it.

And finally one of our camelia's is in full bloom. You gotta love the south.

Have a great weekend. I am off to work in the greenhouse.


That's awesome, Greg. I don't ever have time to work out in the yard anymore; maybe when the kiddos are older and more self-sufficient. There's always SO much to do after we finish school. *sigh* But at least I can enjoy looking at yours!
Carmen said…
You are a lucky man with all that beauty surrounding you! BTW, regarding your feedback (thank you!), it's all about the Gel..have at 'er...hehehe (joking)!
sara said…
love the pictures!! but why are you growing peppers if you are not going to try them?!!! take a bite and have a big glass of milk near by, in case!!

My camelias haven't bloomed are ahead of us! soon though, I can't wait!
Kelly said…
I'm surprised by the bird pictures you did get. Great job. And your flowers are beautiful!
Becky said…
LOVE, love , love the birds. I've really got to get my feeders up and running. I am jealous of your cardinals. The best we have are the western tanagers.

Deer = nasty beasts
Nasty beasts = rats with hooves

I don't like deer.
Skoots1moM said…
love your hot house...
we have rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, lizards, and many deer recently.
what great bird pics!
Scarlet said…
Thanks for the tour of your garden and I love the bird photos! We have bluejays and red cardinals visiting our yard and occasionally we'll get iguanas as well.

That red pepper looks HOT! Actually, it just looks bright and beautiful. I wouldn't mind trying it on a pizza or a sub sandwich...or maybe in my "picadillo."

Have a wonderful Sunday, amigo!
Marla said…
I sure wish I had a green house. I have the orange butterfly weed in my garden. Did you grow yours by seed! Mine took forever to grow. I just love all the pictures from your green house.
sandy said…
Greg, I really enjoyed all these photos! So great seeing around your place,....the greenhouse...the birds...excellent shots.

thanks ..hope you post more around your place.
Edie said…
You really have a green thumb. I just love all the photos. I used to feed the birds around here but then I discovered that the seed makes weeds grow. Who knew!? So now the birds have to hunt their own.

Just what brave little creature left those tracks anyway?

Oh, I just read Becky's comment. Must have been a deer. Oooo, I would love to live near deer. lol.
Wanda said…
Oh you are a man of inspiration... WE were out weeding in our back yard today....

You pictures are wonderful, love the birds...

I'm getting my "C" list together and will post next week.
RC said…
i've definitly had that "birds" movie feeling before...scary.

that pepper picture you took is amazing...the pepper looks incredible.
Brenda said…
I see from these beautiful photos spring is just around the corner for you. Maybe another month or so for us in Missouri. Great photos!
The pictures are wonderful. I especially like the one where the caredinal stands out. The red is so vibrant.
Love the pics, they make me wish Spring were here. I guess we have to wait and see if the groundhog sees his shadow:)
I love that movie, however, I may freak out just a little if I realized that there was an onslaught of birds just hanging about.
Great photos.

I am soooo jealous of both your budding trees and the peppers. I am anxiously awaiting garden season.
Monogram Queen said…
Beautiful pics Greg! I love your greenhouse and am jealous of your green thumb!
Birds would roll their eyes at my three lazy cats!
Susan Skitt said…
What lovely pictures. Your greenhouse is well, GREEN! Love it.

God bless,
Gutsy Living said…
It must be very noisy, but very pleasant with so many birds chirping. The birds used to wake us up in Belize.
Angie said…
What a life. Thanks for the pics. Keep em coming. I miss my birds and wildlife terribly. The most we get in this little suburb is an occassional squirrel and little sparrows. The birdfeeders I put out only seem to draw mice. I don't do rodents!

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