Seafood Maranara

I thought I would try something a little different to see if I could get to the 25 comments needed to achieve the "They like me" status. So without further ado, let me take you to my kitchen. Here is what I cooked up today.

"Seafood marinara"

You will need:
10 lbs of frozen tomatoes (don't freak on me, I will explain)
1 medium onion
4 cloves of garlic
2 tsp salt
2 tbs oregano
1 tsp pepper
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 cup white wine(more of you are like me and watched the galloping gormet on TV)
1 lb mussels in the shell
1 lb large scallops
1 lb fresh shrimp

Ok about the tomatoes. We take fresh tomatoes every year and freeze them in 1 quart bags. All you have to do is wash them and them bag them. When you are ready to cook with them, simply put them under cool water and the skins will come right off and they you cut the top off and dice them up. It is really easy and much easier than canning. You can take out as many as you like when you want to use them. I wanted to let the sauce get thick so I used a lot, diced them and then let them cook several hours. I started with the pot almost full but there was only about 4 inches in the pot after they cooked down. See photos

Next I added the diced onions and garlic and the chopped parsley and then the oregano and let it simmer on low for another hour.

Then I added one cup of white wine. That is the basic marinara sauce.

When you are done, the sink should look like this.

Not like this.

Then you add whatever you want to make the variety desired. I cut it in half and saved one half for another meal. I will freeze that half.

I wanted seafood so that is what I added. I steamed the mussels and then removed them from the shell.

Some fancy restaurants leave them in the shell but that is just something you have to deal with at the table so I took the shells out. Then I added the steamed muscles, raw scallops and peeled and deveined shrimp to the sauce and let it simmer for another 20 minutes. While this was simmering, I cooked a package of linguine to put the sauce on. After the linguine was done, I drained it and put it on a large platter and then added the sauce to the middle and decorated with garlic bread and some of the leftover parsley. There you have it. Bon appetite.

Wait before you serve it put on some Andrea Bacilli to set the mood.

Now stand on the porch and holler "Come and get it or I'm giving it to the kitties,

Have a great day,


Angie said…
Scram cats, here I come. Beautiful presentation from beginning to end and brilliant idea with the tomatoes.
Kelly said…
I'm on my way. I'll have extra sauce. It's looks great! Thanks for tip on the tomatoes.
Edie said…
Ok I don't much care for seafood but I have to say you made it look really beautiful! I almost want to eat it. :D

Are you a chef? I really am impressed with the presentation and the instruction.
Edie said…
Does this comment count as #4? :)
My ADHD Me said…
Wow! That looks yummy and I LOVE seafood.
Also found it interesting about how you froze the tomatoes. My grandmother always canned them and it was a HUGE process. Your way seems just as good and SO MUCH EASIER!!
My ADHD Me said…
If it takes multiple comments to insure you know we like you.....we really like you, I'm up to it!!
Marla said…
Wow, that looks really good. I wish I would have heard you calling come and get it! I did my tomatoes the same way you did this year. I haven't used them yet!
Jeannie said…
#9 - I love scallops and shrimp but we don't live near the ocean. I use basil rather than oregano. And I never realized you could freeze tomatoes with the skin on! Heck - I'm buying bushels of Romas next year. Thanks
Okay, first of all, I am going to do the thing with the tomatoes...for sure. I never knew you could do that! I love fresh tomatoes, they just don't LAST long enough. Although I have canned them, I apparently have not mastered the technique. Let's just say they were less than stellar. :-)

Secondly, I'm wondering about the whole 25 comments thing, because I like you. Plus, I've never had 25 comments either. So there.
ChrisJ said…
Is that what it takes to achieve status in Blogland??? 25 comments! I'm happy with just a few. And since I am absolutely no cook, I'll probably never make it. But I do enjoy your blog. Never knowwhat's coming next.
Yum-o! You should of hollered a little louder, BFF!! The nerve....I love seafood and that Maranara looks like it was the bomb!!
Wow, your status is growing by the minute!!
He he!! Ahem, I forgot to ask, do you do all the cooking in your home? Too bad you do not live closer to Tennessee, or we might have to be neighbors!
Scarlet said…
I'll be over for dinner around 7:30. Tell your wife I'm harmless and I'll bring the Pinot Noir! :)

Thank you for the recipe and the photos. Btw, I did FREAK when I read how many tomatoes you have to put in there...but oh my, it's worth it. That dish looks fabulous!!
Kim said…
I'll definitely have to do the tomato thing next year! I want yummy, fresh marinara!! :) The seafood makes it even more fabulous, but my family would never ever go for it. I'll just come to your house and have that, thanks! LOL!

Your horribly lax bloggy friend,
(I will try and update my Thriver blog just for you today! haha!)
Bonita said…
I'm not much on seafood that isn't fish, but I liked the pictures and want to help you achieve the "they like me status". I had not idea the number for such status was 25. I'm falling seriously short. LOL!
Kelly said…
I'm laughing my head off at the "25 comments = they like you status." I believe I coined that idea at my place. That's because I average about 19 comments, but a really good day is "25." Everyone has their own "good day count." But for me 25 means = they like you, they really like you. LOL!!!!

So look, you're up to 18 now. That means they like you. 7 more and they'll "really like you."
sandy said…

what time is dinner???
Impressive! I saw your comment on Chatty Kelly's blog--there are still two days of prizes left on Becoming Me.
Kati said…
Dang Greg!!!! Can I get you to give my hubby some lessons on good cooking and good music! Man!!!! Seafood Marinara AND Andrea Boccelli..... Crazy awesome taste you've got!
Becky said…
MMMmmmm... pas me the jumbo shrimp!

Only three more to go to reach well liked ( but I thought you were there already)
Shoot! I was number 25 on Kelly's - I was really hoping to be the same on yours - oh well, at least I'm adding to your count. . . "missed it by that much".
Patience said…
Mmmmmm! Looks muy delicioso!!

(I'm #24! One more to go!!)
Am I #25? Your seafood maranana looks fantastic and your plating is wonderful.. What time is dinner? I'm glad you like to cook too.
Anonymous said…
Oh wow, you need a food network show!
Beverlydru said…
I'm impressed. Pioneer Woman could take tips from you. ; ) Looks awesome.
Pam said…
I love this recipe. Seafood marinara is one of my very favorite dishes. Excellent post.
Unknown said…
You just HAD to post those pics of all that pasta while I'm on South Beach. Thanks for that. Looks delicious.

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