Wrong is wrong.

You know, I shouldn’t let things like this get to me but for some reason I can’t help it. Last night, I was watching CBS evening news and this story came on. It was about a Drum Corps from a New Jersey school that was going to be in the Inaugural parade. Sounds innocent enough doesn’t it but wait, hear the rest of the story.

Well for starters it really isn’t a school. It is a home for boys that have been in trouble. I thought that part was great but it gets bad. The home director whose name is Bill, really wanted to get his boys into the parade, so he wrote a letter to the committee asking if his Drum Corps could be a part of it. Still so far so good but here is where the problem is. He lied. He put on the application that the Corps consisted of 12 marching drummers and he went on to describe their colorful uniforms and how good they were.

The truth is there were only 6 members of the “Corps” and they had never marched a day in their lives. They also had no uniforms. He made it all up in an effort to get into the parade and was, as he said "hoping for a miracle" if he got in. Well to make a long story short, they got accepted. Once accepted, some other kids decided to join the corps since it would get them a free trip to Washington. Then a music company donated some new drums because it was great for publicity. Next some town’s people donated some uniforms so that they wouldn’t be disgraced when their town was mentioned on TV. Bill said it was a miracle. I say this is a bunch of crud to say it nicely.

When I was in High School, our band (The Seabreeze Marching 100)was asked to play in the Rose bowl Parade in California. This was a great honor for us especially since we were coming all the way from Florida. In addition to the parade, we were also slated to compete in a battle of the bands in Pasadena. We were really excited and for a year, we practiced and did everything imaginable to raise money. I gave up afternoons and weekends and I worked my tail off to get there. We chartered an airline and it was the first time that Eastern Airlines crossed the Mississippi. We even arranged to use a parking lot in California to practice some more for the competition. That morning, we arrived all pumped up and ready to win one for our home town.

As we got off of our bus, a TV station was doing some filming and we were asked to be quiet. There right in front of us they were filming the Spring Branch Texas Majorettes with Mac Davis accepting the trophy for winning the competition. This was before the competition even took place. We were all angry to say the least and some people said they weren’t even going to perform. After a brief huddle, we decided to go ahead and perform and give it our best so that anyone who saw the competition would know we were the best. (We were by the way)It was a flawless performance.

My point is this. Somewhere out there is a band or other performer that really wanted to be in the inaugural parade. They followed the rules, they worked hard, they did what was required to get in but they were one team away from getting in. They didn’t make it because someone else lied and was deceitful. At the end of the segment, Katie Couric said how wonderful t was that this drum corps had made it in and that it truly was a miracle. She said she was looking forward to seeing them in the parade. Has she gone mad?

Miracles don’t start with lies and the end never justifies the means. Katie and CBS should be chastised for taking such a stance and supporting lies and deceit. Now that this is out of the bag, if the inaugural committee allows this to go unchecked it will only be a sign of things to come with this administration. And that’s my two cents worth. No I'm not bitter but I did swear that if I was ever at a parade and the band from Spring Branch High School was to come by....I would shout Boooooo. Ok I'm all better now.

Have a great day,


Scarlet said…
You're right, miracles don't start with lies and wrong is wrong.

I wonder why more people don't see it that way.
In total agreement with you!
This is why I only watch FoxNews. Fox would have presented the same story as *Katie* but would have gone further to tell "the rest of the story." It's sad that CBS thinks we take everything they report as truth-whole-truth-nothing-but. . . .
It's called the dumbing-down of society and utter lack of values.
~esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife
Sharon said…
Wrong is Wrong, you lie it's wrong!
Good Post, and I can see why it bothered ya, me too.
Have a blessed and calming, peacefilled day.
Angel said…
vent away my friend,......VENT AWAY!
You got my blood boiling. I didn't hear the story, but I am going to do some research. Why is lying so acceptable today? Why is a lie rewarded like this one was. I can't stand sneaks and I can't stand liars. Really good post Greg.
Skoots1moM said…
I was a drum majorette in high school and I also agree with you...i know how hard kids work, day and night, memorizing formations, enduring the weather, chapped lips, burned faces, tired feet and IT REALLY gets my anger up when the TV channels NEVER show the halftime shows anymore...they think you want to hear OLD TIMERS give their OPINIONS on how football should be played...

anyway, vengeance is the Lord's and their dishonesty will catch up with them in one way or the other...this is one reason I don't and won't watch Katie and her fellow CBS'ers...they have a history of this kind of activity.

Now I feel better...
Jeannie said…
I think it's unanimous.
Daisy said…
You are so right. This is wrong and miracles do not begin as a lie. There is nothing worse than a liar. This is a slap in the face to every kid that has ever been in band and worked their butts off with practice, fundraisers, band camp and more practice. As Jim Carey said in the movie "Liar Liar", "The truth shall set you free!"

PS. I am from NJ. This is an embarrassment!!!
Do you really want to know how I feel about Katy Couric? After all she is the one who based Sarah Palin...The only band I am glad is going is the FAMU Marching 100 from my home state...
Beverlydru said…
Miracles don't start with lies and the end never justifies the means. That sums it up quite well.
I just read on someone else's blog that you're a Napoleon Dynamite fan. That would be something we have in common.

Hey, I have an idea for you. Why don't you ask your wife to do a guest post. We'd all like to meet her. We girls are relational like that.
Marla said…
I think that when it was found out that they lied, they shouldn't get to participate. Others followed the rules and I agree what a bad example to even give publicity to them.
Edie said…
I so completely agree with you Greg. Miracles don't begin with lies and are not man made either. This is a sign of where our nation already is and a sign of the times we live in.

Keeping my eyes Heavenward where this kind of thing will never ever occur.
Monogram Queen said…
We-hell i'm glad you are all better now.
You are right, that lie was unjustified and it was no miracle. Just good PR.
sandy said…
YOu know, I agree with you. That is just not right.
It amazes me that people can see wrong-doing through the proverbial rose-colored glasses and see it as okay. If we're not careful, we will be able to justify just about any sin our culture can dish out.

Great post.

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