Another day another dollar

Or is that another buck.

Today started out well enough. I woke up early and was feeling pretty good. I got ready to go to the gym, made a cup of coffee and headed out with a granola bar in hand. All was perfect until I got about a mile down the road. Remember that buck I hit yesterday that didn't do any damage but scared the poo out of me and him? Well today his wife gave it a try.

Today though I was driving my little Honda and not the full sized truck. I was doing about 50 mph when I saw her coming. Unlike the buck the day before, this doe was in a high speed run and heading right for me. I swerved into the other lane in an attempt to miss her but she was determined so she dove in the air right at me. I do mean dove too. She had her legs tucked and looked like Rudolph pulling Santa's sleigh. The swerve that I made may have saved my life because instead of hitting the front passenger side door she hit head on (literally into the rear passenger side window. Now in case you are wondering, obviously a doe's head is harder that tempered glass because she came in. The glass immediately shattered and scattered all over the inside of the car and I could hear some thumping right behind me. That's right the doe came right in the back seat for a moment before getting slung back out.

From what we could tell, based on the deer hair, her head was right behind mine before she managed to escape. I came to a stop sideways in the other lane and after checking to make sure I was alive, turned to see where the deer was. I imagined having to drag the body from the road but guess what? She was gone. The darn thing ran off before I could get her insurance information. Some nerve. I drove back home and got the truck and went to work.

The good news is I am ok and there is very little damage other than the window. I decided not to have any body work done because the ding was so small and the window is totally covered. So in two days, I will have a new window. Until then, I am driving my truck. I am thinking about taking the bumper off and installing one of those 2 X 12"s that are so popular here in the south. That way you don't have to worry about hitting the deer, you just have to worry about what to do with them after you hit them. And to think I was going to give up hunting. Not now, I have a score to settle with Bambi.

I had to take the afternoon off to get my car in the shop so I will catch up on all your blogs tomorrow.

Have a great day and eat more venison.



Wanda said…
Oh my goodness Greg..... I can't believe these stories! You and deer... Oh my. See what happens when I'm gone a few days.. You have all this excitement. So glad you are OK and so is Mrs Deer.

Hey... I finally did my 10 things I love that start with C.

It was really fun!
The sad thing is that the deers keep running away, if they would stick around you could take pictures of them and make them famous on your blog!

Deers are so rude, the nerve!!
Edie said…
Oh my goodness! I'm glad you're ok... and still have your sense of humor.

Ok forgive my ignorance here but are these deer actually trying to attack your vehicle? I mean, I thought they would run away from, not to moving vehicles. Geez!
Becky said…
WOW! Is that two in two days!?! Glad you weren't hurt.
Patience said…
Dang! You coulda been killed by that terrorist suicide bomber deer!

Glad you're okay!!
Monogram Queen said…
Oh my GOD! That would have freaked me OUT. I am freaking out just reading it. So glad you are okay.
I've had my run-ins with deer but never something like that!!!!!!!
I once had a score to settle with a Bambi of a different kind. One with French manicured nails in high school in the 70s! How does this happen to a person two days in a rows? Do you live in the Black Forest?
Beverlydru said…
Thank you for the very kind comment you left this morning. May the sunshine refresh you and the body shop treat you well. We have lots of deer around here as well. I am not afraid of people when driving at night, I'm afraid of close encounters with deer. Glad you are here to tell the tale. Or shall we say tail?
Angie said…
Get out! What a thing. So glad you're ok. We have some deer stories to tell too, but not two days in a row.
What kind of cologne are you wearing to be attracting so many deer? Ha! I'm glad you were not hurt.
Carmen said…
Wow, what are the chances? Attack of the killer deer....I'd watch my back if I were you! LOL!
Man, you don't even have to put on full camoflauge to hunt, just get into your car (hee hee hee) Glad you are okay.
So I'm wondering if your next post is going to be on the way God protected you in the midst of last minute decisions. Seeing this miracle happen right before your eyes gives a great testimony! I can't even imaging what the guys at the body shop are thinking. . . So glad you're okay!
Debbie said…
What in the world have you managed to do to anger the entire deer population? I don't think I'd go for any peaceful countries drives with you!
Anonymous said…
Gosh, Greg, the window stinks but I'm really glad you are OK!
"eat more venison" - Ha!

We play Dodge-deer around our place too. Glad you're okay.
My stars...I thought it was bad up here in Berkeley County...
ChrisJ said…
You are a deer magnet! That must be some kind of a record -- two deer in two days. I wonder which is worse, living in deer country or L.A. traffic. I think I'd take my chance on the deer.
Scarlet said…
I kept waiting for you to tell us you were joking! I can't imagine this happening in real life and you being able to walk away without a scratch! Thank God you're alright.

You must've been beyond shocked to look back and see all that damage...and no deer.

What a story!
sandy said…
Oh wow Greg, wow wow. Glad you weren't hurt. My neighbor, a heck of a nice guy with six kids, a few years back was driving to Texas to visit family and swerved to miss a dear. He was killed but two of his little girls with him survived.

In fact, just today, his son came over to visit, we haven't seen him since 2004 when it happened. His son was married here at the house and Eric the dad, did lots of renovations around here the year before that. Such a sad sad happening.

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